ID: 21471305

译林版(2024)七年级上册Unit 4 School days Reading1教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:26次 大小:58935B 来源:二一课件通
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7AUnit4School days Reading (1)教学设计 教学 目标 1.To know how to write an email ,including title,main body and ending. 2.To read and know Millie’s school day. 3.To master important knowledge,such as words,phrases and grammar. 4.To enjoy school day. 重 难 点 重点:1.To guess general meanings from the key words and context 2.To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details 难点:1.To know how to write a email ,including title,main body and ending. 2.To master important knowledge,such as words,phrases and grammar 教 法 Listening ,reading and discussing 教学准备 多媒体 , 投影仪 教学过程 S tep 1 Review words Class begins.Good morning,boys and girls.Now let's share your daily life according the time line. Step 2 Lead in Have a free talk with students. Question1:What subjects do you learn in Grade 7. Question2:What activities do you often do after school Ask some students to share their ideas. What subjects do we learn in our middle school Jack,you please.Great!Sit down please.We have learnt nine subjects.They are:--Students answer together.Show some pictures about subjects. 1.Learn some new subjects at middle school 2.Learn some after-school activities at middle school. I will give you 2 minutes to talk with your partner.Here we go!Time is up.You two please share your dialogue with us. Step 3 Pre-reading Step 4 While-reading 1.Predicting Question;What type of article is it --An email. Guess the answer according to the title and picture. Teacher introduce how to write a email ,including title,main body and ending. (给与中文解释,告知邮件的构成) 1.According to the title and two questions at the top of the text,guess what the text will be about. Skimming: What is the main idea of each part When we read the text to get the main idea quickly from the first sentence of each paragraph.I will give you 2 minutes to go through the text. Time is over.Let's finish the task together. Read and answer. Q1:Which class does Millie like Q2:What can she do in Chinese Lesson Q3:What do we do in Biology Lesson Q4:When do they practise Careful reading paragraph by paragraph. Finish the mind map. Careful Reading:True or false. I think you have got the main idea of the text.Now I will give you 3 minutes to read it loudly and carefully.Finish the following tasks 1 Millie should get to school before 8:15. 2 Millie's favourite subject is English. 3 The students read many great works in Chinese classes. 4 The students have a Biology lesson once a week. 5 The students are going on a field trip to a park. 6 Millie enjoys life at her new school. OK,have a check.Who wants to be show your answers to us.OK,you please come to the front. (_板书)Do you agree with the answers Great!Thankyou.Go back please.Clap for him. Step 4 Post-reading Retell the email according to the mind map. Step 5 Practice Now I thing you have done good job about the reading text.Finish some exercise. Step 6 Homework 1.Finish 《课课练》U4Reading1 2.Design a poster about your school days Step 6 Blackboard d ... ...

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