ID: 21472365

译林版(2024)七年级上册Unit 4 School day Pronunciation-Further study课时练(含答案)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:88次 大小:28249B 来源:二一课件通
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7AUnit4 Pronunciation-Further study课时练 一、根据所给中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词 1. I want to go to school early because it is our_____ (职责) to clean the school yard today. 2. There is_____ (某物) in the black box, but I don’t know what it is. 3. You will always feel happy if your living_____(区域) is clean and tidy. 4. My friends and I never throw away_____ (空的) bottles. We recycle (回收利用) them. 5. We worked together and did well in the match. We all learn_____ (团队合作)and sports spirit (精神). 二、选择方框中所给单词并用其适当形式填空 1. I was ill yesterday, but I am feeling much _____ today. 2. There are three _____ of students outside the gate of the museum. 3. We will learn about Tree _____ Day and plant some trees on the farm. 4. My parents say that watching too many short _____ on the smartphone is bad for me. 5. It is _____ to pick apples on the farm, but the students are happy to see the apples in the baskets. 三、单项选择 1.We learn how to grow vegetables _____ the spring field trip. It is fun. A. on B. to C. at D. from 2. —Would you like_____ roller skating with us this afternoon —I’d like to, but I’m a little tired today. A. practising B. practise C. to practise D. practises 3. Which underlined part of the words has a different pronunciation A. cool B. foot C. food D. moon 4. Miss Xiao often tells us to read more because reading can help us learn_____about the world. A. few B. a few C. little D. a lot 5. My grandmother looks happy and smiles at me when she runs her hand _____ my hair. A. away B. through C. over D. to 6. Lions oflen hunt (猎取) in groups, but _____, they hunt alone. A. usually B. often C. sometimes D. always 7. My grandpa often gets into the park before 6:00 a.m. because there are few people and he likes the_____ of the early morning. A. tour B. quiet C. work D. duty 8. Mrs Green buys her twin sons a new bike. She tells them to_____ to ride it. A. take turns B. take place C. take apart D. take off 9.—Wendy, _____ do you shop in the shopping centre —I seldom go there. I often shop on the internet. A. how long B. how often C. how much D. how far 10.—We will have an important match this afternoon. —_____. A. Really It’s difficult. B. Oh,I don’t think so. C. Good luck! D. That’s OK. 四、根据所给中文完成句子 1.—在工作日早上,你一般几点起床 —六点半。 —What time do you usually_____ —At 6:30 a.m. 2.男孩们打篮球玩得很开心。 The boys _____basketball. 3.我们要尽力照顾好我们的宠物,因为它们是我们的朋友。 We should_____our pets, because they are our friends. 4.对学生来说,参加不同的课外活动有好处。 It is good for students to_____. 5.野外考察很有趣,我们也能从中学到很多。 _____and we can also_____it. 五、阅读表达 Dear Jenny, How are you these days You shared with me about your favourite subjects in your last letter. I like English too. I think it is interesting and useful. You also like Maths, but I am not good at it. I think it is too difficult. Maybe you can help me with it next time. Our cla ... ...

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