ID: 21472760


日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:17次 大小:1077277B 来源:二一课件通
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    英语 参考答案、提示及评分细则 听力部分录音稿 (Tert 1) W:Our sales and marketing departments are very powerful.However,I need to find a computer programmer to build us a website.Do you have any idea about it M:Not personally.But I'll introduce to you some online platforms where you can discover profiles of computer programmers and engineers. (Text 2) M:Hello,Miss.Are you enjoying your meal W:Yes,I am,sir.But this tea is a little too sweet.Would it bother you to bring me another cup of tea with only milk and no sugar or honey M:Of course not.One cup of unsweetened tea-coming right up! (Text 3) M:I achieved As in my English tests. W:That's wonderful!Great job! M:Do you need any study suggestions You know,practice is crucial. W:I'll give it a shot next time.English and maths aren't my strengths.I'm keen on science more. (Text 4) W:Did you see that wildlife documentary on TV last night M:Yes,it was astonishing,wasn't it Those baby pandas were especially lovely. W:I wished to bring one home.But the baby lion and the baby tiger were cute too. (Tert 5) W:When did you begin to feel sick,Alan M:My teacher said I seemed not well,so I went to the school nurse.She asked me to call home and be picked up. W:I see.Now I'll take you home and make some hot soup for you. (Teat 6) M:Hello!I come from the Jimsterial Holiday Hotel.Sorry,I was stuck in traffic for an hour on my way here. W:It's all right.Airport customs lasted for nearly 30 minutes.I've only been here for 15 minutes. M:Anyway,I'm sorry.Our receptionist usually works as our driver as well,but she's not available today.So, I decided to bring you to the hotel by myself.Will there be anyone meeting you later W:It's just me,in fact.I've been working non-stop for a long time.I just want to have a vacation. M:Well,my wife and I are pleasant companions and more than willing to assist you. (Text 7) W:I enjoy bringing my kids to water parks during summer.How about you M:Oh,I'm fond of dog parks where I can walk my dog.Believe it or not,my dog has made numerous friends there. W:Wow,that's fascinating. M:Yes.Moreover.I frequently visit forest parks to obtain inspiration for my novels.and it can also help me relax. W:That's a great way to relax.However,I don't have much leisure time.You know,I'm a salesperson.As Christmas is approaching.I'll be extremely busy.I truly desire to go on a tour of Australia.or at least have a good time in a local park. M:It's been extremely cold recently.It's not a great time to have a good time in the park. (Text 8) W:Dear,have you purchased the drinks for the kids M:I'll go to the post office later.On my way back home,I'll go to the supermarket and buy some.I don't think we need anything else,do we W:Well,I'm not certain if we have sufficient food.You know my cousins always eat everything when they visit. M:That's fine.I believe we have everything we require. W:Good!If you can begin the housework now,I'll start cooking.I don't wish to leave everything until the very last moment. M:Wel ... ...

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