ID: 21475749

Unit 3 Section B 3a-Self Check课件【人教(2024秋)八上英语Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.】

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:90次 大小:63952331B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3I`m more outgoing than my sister Section B 3a-Self Check 人教版八年级上册 I`m more outgoing than my sister Unit 3 Section B 3a-Self Check Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. smaller bigger bigger or smaller Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. shorter longer longer or shorter Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. stronger thinner stronger or thinner Which is stronger A or B Which is thinner A or B A B Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. heavier thinner heavier or thinner Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. It’s smaller. It’s shorter. It’s bigger. Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. It’s heavier. It’s longer. Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. She is taller. He is thinner. Who is taller Who is thinner Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. a dog a horse Which is taller A horse is taller than a dog . Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. Who is taller, the father or the son The father is taller than the son. Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. Who is shorter, the father or the son The son is shorter than the father. Review Name Opinion The same as his/her friend Different from his/her friend Jeff Green Huang Lei Mary Smith A good friend is like a mirror. They are quiet and study hard. Jeff is quieter and more serious than most kids. It’s not necessary to be same. They both like sports. Larry is more outgoing and taller Than Huang Lei. She doesn’t care if her friends are the same as her or different. Carol is funnier than anyone. 3a Wang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends. Look at the chart below and compare them. Wang Lingling Liu Lili Wang Lingling Liu Lili tall tall short straight hair like reading like sports popular outgoing outgoing serious hard-working long straight hair popular funny smart 写作指导 1. 阅读表格中的描述 2. 分析描述词的特点:用形容词还是用动词描述 3. 相似的地方,用both表达共同点;不同的地方, 用比较的句式表达 4. 试着写出这些句子 5. 检查答案 One possible version Wang has long straight hair, Liu has short straight hair. Wang Lingling likes reading, but Liu Lili likes sports. They are both popular in class. They’re both outgoing. Wang Lingling is serious. Liu Lili is funnier than Wang Lingling. Wang is more hard-working than Liu, but Liu is smarter. 3b Make notes about two of your friends. One friend should be similar to you; the other friend should be different. A friend who is similar to me A friend who is different from me Name: Name: One possible version My friend A is quite similar to me. We are both tall and thin. We are both quiet and serious. We like reading together. We are hard-working in class, so we often get good grades ... ...

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