ID: 21476435

2025届高三英语专项复习复习 阅读理解七选五(含解析)

日期:2024-10-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:29次 大小:156541B 来源:二一课件通
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    2025届高三英语复习-阅读理解七选五 (2024·福建泉州·一模)Stress is unavoidable in life. We all face it daily, whether it is a small inconvenience or a major life challenge. Stress negatively affects all aspects of our lives both personally and professionally. 1 So what can we do about it Here are some helpful tips to fight stress, defeat it and move on. Prioritize 2 The longer you let something sit, the more it will weigh on you and take up valuable brain space. Practice self-care Here are the key aspects to self-care that so often get forgotten: ●Drink water. Prevent tiredness, help digestion, your skin and your sleep. ●Stretch. Get oxygen flowing into your muscles before or during a stressful situation. ●Exercise regularly. Don’t let your busy schedule take priority over your health. ● 3 Read, take a bath, go for a run, listen to music, or phone a friend. Communicate Find a network of people who you can vent (宣泄) to. This is a fantastic way to reduce bringing work troubles and stress home with you. You have the opportunity to blow off the first build-up of steam. 4 Breathe Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into your body, producing endorphins (内啡肽). They fight with cortisol, a chemical which is a result of anxiety or stress. Did you know breathing is responsible for most of your body’s detoxification (排毒) 5 This critical part of calming yourself down allows you the space and time to focus on the problem at hand and have a quiet mind to tackle what’s ahead of you. A.Find time for you. B.Read and practice more. C.Cross off the most stressful tasks first. D.So you can go home a bit more calm and sensible. E.In this way you can communicate with whoever you like to. F.It can harm our bodies, our relationships and our overall quality of life. G.It also increases energy, lowers blood pressure and slows your heartbeat. (2024·湖北·三模)Do you like spending time alone If so, you probably know that there are people criticizing you for it. They think you are alone because you’re anxious about being around other people and just don’t have very positive relationships with humans. 6 These have been the common opinions on spending time alone for far too long. 7 Scholars believe that spending time alone helps you break free from pressures and is good for mental and physical health. 8 You need to feel the dissatisfaction with where you’re now to get the motivation to change and achieve what you want. Being around others constantly might distract (转移) yourself from the informative feeling. Spending time alone enables you to check how your life is in line with your plans, or research resources related to your aims. Your creativity is increased when being alone. If you are constantly in the presence of others, your mind is more likely to be engaged in being social. 9 Those who enjoy creative pursuits, like writing and music, especially need to get alone time. If you’re not used to alone time, being alone while around others is a g ... ...

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