ID: 21480456


日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:52次 大小:4600665B 来源:二一课件通
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B:There will be an important exam on Tuesday morning.45 A:Haha,I admire you so much.Good luck on your examination. B:Thank you. 41. 42. 43 44 45 五、任务性阅读(本题共25分,每题1分) 先阅读(A)(B)(C)三篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项任务。 (A) usually actions ourselves given three taught mistakes felt truth tried our best Mr.Green was my class teacher for46 years.He was hard-working and strict.He always encouraged us to tell the47.For example,if one had not the homework,He need not lie.He allowed us to make48.We couldn't be perfect all the time,but we should try. Another thing he 49me was to be on time.We students 50to be on time because he set a good example with his own51.We really 52free to ask questions in and out of classes.53 ,Mr.Green would give the answers.Sometimes Mr.Green asked us to find answers by54.The student who came up with the answers was praised and55 the prize.I will never forget my teacher Mr.Green. (B) Once a young man was asked to paint a boat of a rich man.While painting,he discovered a tiny hole in the ship and he quietly fixed it.After finishing his work,the young man got paid and left. The boat's owner showed up at the young man's house the next day with a check(),far greater than the painting payment. "You've already given me money for painting the boat,sir."said the surprised young man. "This isn't for the paint job;it's for repairing the hole,"said the rich man. "But it was such a little service."said the young man. "My dear boy,I forgot the hole when I asked you to paint the boat.After you finished painting it, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip.Then,suddenly I remembered the hole and tried to contact (my kids,but I couldn't reach them.I was scared to death.Imagine how thankful I was when I saw them return home safely.After that,I checked the boat and found that you had repaired 九年英语学科第7页(共10页)

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