ID: 21482222


日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:14次 大小:291329B 来源:二一课件通
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2024-2025学年度高三英语统练三 2024.10.6 1.本卷共 8页,包括三个部分,满分为 100分。练习时间 90分钟。 考 生 2.考生务必将答案答在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。 须 知 3.考试结束后,将答题纸交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30分) 第一节 (共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,共 15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。 On a sunny afternoon, Anthony Perry stepped off the train at Chicago’s 69th Street station. The 20-year-old, who worked nights in a grocery store, was on his way to see his 1 . On the platform, something unthinkable happened: a man fell over the edge and onto the electrified train tracks! As Perry and other horrified passengers watched, he shook uncontrollably as the 2 moved through his body. “Help him!” someone cried. “Please, someone!” Perry couldn’t just stand there and 3 . He sat at the edge of the platform and eased himself down. 4 all rails between the man and him were electrified, he quickly leaped towards the victim, using a high-knee technique from his high school football days. Perry soon reached down and grasped the victim’s wrist. 5 , he felt a powerful electric shock shoot through his body. Perry jumped back. He reached down a second time, and was shocked again. But the third time he seized the man's wrist and forearm, and managed to move the guy’s body away from the 6 . “Give him chest compressions!” yelled an old lady on the platform. Perry was no expert, but for a few moments he worked on the man’s heart until the victim regained 7 . Then, first-aiders arrived. Perry let the professionals 8 . Heart still racing from the electric shocks, he climbed back up onto the platform, grabbed his things and continued on to his grandfather's. The evening news reported the incident, 9 an unnamed hero with saving the victim’s life. To many, Perry’s 10 deeds demonstrated the power of choosing compassion over personal safety. 1.A. manager B. client C. grandfather D. aunt 2.A. current B. oxygen C. wave D. blood 3.A. imagine B. watch C. shout D. record 4.A. Hoping B. Assuming C. Complaining D. Recalling 5.A. Instantly B. Slightly C. Normally D. Periodically 6.A. train B. crowds C. platform D. rails 7.A. strength B. balance C. consciousness D. control 8.A. look ahead B. take over C. get around D. keep away 9.A. providing B. engaging C. assisting D. crediting 10.A. generous B. grateful C. courageous D. faithful 第二节(共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,共 15分) 第 1页 共 8页 A I was not originally attracted to nature. For me, nature was associated with the few minutes playing soccer in the 11 (nice) cut grass. But in Michigan, nature presents itself in many forms such as sledding as fast as you can down the hill or swimming in one of the five great lakes. These experiences encouraged me 12 (explore) one of the raw forms of connecting with nature: camping. Although I 13 (spend) a lot of time outside, I had never camped or experienced all of what nature offers. B In Ming Dynasty, a ... ...

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