ID: 21486798

人教版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Reading for Writing 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-17 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:40次 大小:29790B 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Plan Topic: 人教版高中英语必修三Unit 2 Morals and virtues Reading for Writing Grade: Senior 1 Analyses of teaching materials The theme of this section is“Share your opinions about a moral story”,which focuses on human social responsibility. What:The reading text“The Stone in the Road”is a fable portraying a king's assess public attitudes towards a problem.By putting a large stone in the roadway and burying gold coins under it,the king observed people’ s responses.Despite numerous complaints about the stone's inconvenience and even personal losses,none were willing to solve the problem.Ultimately,a kind and sincere young girl removed the stone,earning gold coins and the king’ s praise. Why:This part requires students to write story reviews,and the purpose is to let them analyze the story from the surface to the inside,correctly interpret the author's point of view,at the same time reasonably organize the language to express their own feelings and opinions,and recognize the importance of being a responsible person with noble character,so as to form a correct outlook on life and values. How:The fable is a literary genre found in both China and the West.Its length is generally not long,the language is concise,the plot is simple but very expressive,mostly using personification,metaphor,symbolism and other rhetorical devices to reveal educational themes or profound truths.Most of the fables are educational or contain profound truths.Therefore,students should not only understand the surface meaning of the story,but also learn to interpret its deeper meaning.For example,what does the“stone”symbolize in the text How is the girl who carries the stone different from the others If the whole story is related to personal life or the current situation of the whole society, what is the meaning of the story As individuals,what responsibilities should we take in the face of social problems These areall questions that students should explore deeply. Analysis of Students The target group of this class is senior students.After studying the content of the first three lessons,students are enriched with unit theme vocabulary and expressions,and have the ability to read and understand fables and summarize the moral.Students are unfamiliar with the structural elements of critical writing.Usually,after reading a fable,students only focus on the storyline and moral,while the teacher should use this as an entry point and focus on inspiring students to think deeply about the meaning of the theme of“morals and virtues”.There are still some words in the new textbook that are unfamiliar to the students.The task of commenting on the story is relatively tricky as students have little contact with it.Therefore,this lesson should guide the students to understand the reason and explain the reason clearly. Teaching Objectives At the end of this lesson,students will have: 1.Language ability:learned and mastered the structure and main points of writing f ... ...

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