ID: 21486854

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 1 Wish you were here Reading 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:59次 大小:52036B 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Plan Topic B6 U1 Reading:Canada--a land of diversity Grade: Senior 2 Analyses of teaching materials 【What】It's the 2nd lesson of Unit 1 whose theme is tour.The articles in this section takes the form of website articles about Canada in there aspects of geography,race and culture .The article closely adheres to the word "diversity" and presents the rich diversity of nature and people in Canada.It focuses on famous attractions and major cities,such as the Rocky Mountains,Banff National Park,and Jasper National Parks,Niagara Falls,Vancouver, Montreal,etc.This learning material is fit for students'physical and mental development. 【Why】This passage presents Canadian diversity in three ways and aims to help students build information about Canada profile knowledge,explore the historical and cultural factors behind it and enhance the understanding and respect for cultural diversity. 【How】The text type of this article is an expository text.The article structure is clear.The first paragraph points out that Canada is vast,beautiful,ethnic diverse and culturally distinct.The second to fourth paragraphs are the main body of the article,covering Canadian geography,race and culture.That's the three aspects of diversity.Paragraph 5 concludes that Canada is a unique livable destination. At the vocabulary level,the article uses descriptive adjectives,vividly showing the characteristics of all aspects of Canada;From rhetorical level,it compares Canada to a blooming flower,showing its beauty and richness Analysis of Students Students in Senior Two know some festivals and customs from B2U3,which arose their interests a lot.And they have a strong desire to know more about a foreign country.Reading is another way of traveling.Following the reading steps,students will have a better understanding of Canada:its geographical diversity,ethnic diversity and cultural diversity Teaching Objectives After learning this lesson,students are expected to: 1.give a brief introduction to Canada's diversity in geography,race and culture; 2.identify the textual structure of the website article; 3.cultivate students'critical thinking; 4.illustrate the use of rhetorical devices; 5.enhance students'cultural confidence Important &Difficult Points: Important Points: 1.give a brief introduction to Canada's diversity in geography,race and culture; 2.identify the textual structure of the website article. Difficult Points: 1.cultivate students'critical thinking; 2.illustrate the use of rhetorical devices; 3.enhance students’cultural confidence. Teaching Method Activity-based teaching method Teaching aids: Multi-media,blackboard Type Reading Period: 40mins Teaching Procedures Steps Activities Justification Lead in 1.Greet students and self-introduction. 2.Talk about travel with students. 3.Ask the students to help complete the title and understand the word“diversity”. To arouse students prior knowledge about traveling and lead in the topic. Pre- Reading If you visit Canada,what ... ...

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