ID: 21490792


日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:95次 大小:45598B 来源:二一课件通
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高三上月考英语书面表达热点话题预测 1 上周末你校地理社(The Geography Society)组织了主题为探索城市的City Walk 活动,请你给校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:1. 活动的过程;2. 收获与感想。 Last weekend The Cerography Society hosted a City Walk entitled “Exploring Chonging.” This activity provided a rare opportunity for participants to dig into the rich cultural heritage of this historic city in China. The event kicked off with an informative introduction to the city’s rich history and cultural heritage, followed by a guided tour of its historic streets and alleyways. Meanwhile, participants explored traditional local markets, marveled(赞叹) at the stunning architecture of traditional residential buildings, and gained insight into the daily life of Chongqing’s residents. The city is also famous for its spicy cuisine, and participants had a chance to taste the local flavors. Not only was the activity a fantastic opportunity to learn about the city’s history and culture, but it also allowed participants to fully immerse themselves in the local atmosphere andand connect with the local community. The City Walk was a great success, with all participants thoroughly enjoying themselves and gaining valuable knowledge and memories. 2 假定你校英语俱乐拟开展“我爱我家”短视频比赛,请用英语草拟一份活动通知,内容包括:1. 活动安排;2. 拍摄内容;3. 参赛要求(英文字幕、不超过10分钟.......)。ANNOUNCEMENT In order to make our life colorful, we are going to hold a short video competition featuring the theme I Love My Family. First and foremost, your video can focus on a typical day in your family, great changes in your family, your family history, or anything you like about your family, showing great love, special talents or good relationships or any other positive values. Besides, Your entry is to be sent to 513513223@ by June 5th. Then experts will grade your video and decide the 3 first prize winners (Y500 each), the 6 second prize winners (¥300 each) and the 9 third prize winners (¥100 each). Last but not least, your entry is required to run no longer than 10 minutes with English subtitles. Good shooting techniques are also appreciated. Welcome to participate! The School English Club April 13,2024 3.假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Jim将于下个月来你校交流学习,来信询问你校学生社团情况。请给他回信,内容包括:1. 学校社团;2. 你加入的社团;3. 你的推荐。 Dear Jim, Having learnt that you are coming to our school for an exchange program next month and are eager to know about the student clubs here, I’m more than delighted to offer some information. Our school features a diverse variety of clubs to cater to students’ interests, ranging from the Chess Club to the Photography Club. I joined the Science Club last year, and I strongly recommend it to you! Not only will it provide abundant scientific resources for you to try out your innovative ideas, but it will also connect you with experienced mentors(导师) to guide you through scientific investigations. The Science Club is bound to ... ...

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