ID: 21490840

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 单元测试(含答案和写作指导)【人教版2024秋九全英语】

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:46次 大小:605724B 来源:二一课件通
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/ 让教学更有效 精品试卷 | 英语学科 一、选择填空 (15分) ( )1. — I want to buy _____ yellow blouse to match my black suit. — That's a good idea. Let's go to the mall to find one. A. a B. an C. / D. the ( )2. _____ they lost the game, the girls could still hold up their heads because they tried their best. A. Because B. As soon as C. Before D. Even though ( )3. — What are these chopsticks made _____ — Bamboo. And they are made _____ China. A. of; in B. into; in C. of; by D. into; by ( )4. — Do you know that _____ is the most popular material used in clothing — Yes. It is natural and inexpensive. A. gold B. cotton C. steel D. silver ( )5. — Remember to wear a pair of _____ to protect your hands while gardening. — OK. Thank you for reminding me. A. glasses B. shorts C. socks D. gloves ( )6. You can avoid _____ a cold by following these tips. A. catch B. catching C. to catch D. to catching ( )7. Xidi is a village in Anhui Province. It is _____ its beautiful ancient buildings. A. known for B. popular with C. absent from D. born with ( )8. In some areas of China, a child's twelfth birthday is a special event and it _____ with a big party. A. celebrates B. is celebrated C. celebrated D. was celebrated ( )9. Our city is expected to _____ the third subway line by 2025. A. require B. discover C. polish D. complete ( )10. In the past, people used to wash their clothes _____. A. for free B. by hand C. on time D. in danger ( )11. Shenzhen is one of _____ cities at night in China. A. lively B. livelier C. the livelier D. the liveliest ( )12. I love my parents. No matter _____ happens, they are always by my side. A. what B. how C. which D. when ( )13. At one time, it was _____ believed that the sun turned around the earth. A. widely B. wisely C. carefully D. heavily ( )14. — Do you know _____ — He is Jing Haipeng, the first Chinese astronaut to go into space for four times. A. who is the man B. where is the man C. who the man is D. where the man is ( )15. — Walking is a good way to exercise. — _____. I always go for a walk after dinner. A. You're joking B. No problem C. That's true D. It sounds great 二、完形填空 (10分) One day in January 2021, Julia visited her grandmother, Georgie. 16 doing a cleanup, they found some old sketches (草图) of dresses. They were drawn by Georgie when she was a teenager. When Julia saw the sketches, she was 17 . “I knew my grandma was talented, but these sketches were really much better than what I could imagine in my head.” Georgie went to fashion (时装) school in the 1940s and 18 becoming a designer (设计师). However, she didn't 19 her studies because she had to care for some family members. An idea 20 came to Julia. She wanted to bring those sketches to life! Julia had no knowledge of how to make dresses, so she watched videos online to teach herself. That 21 took a long time. After a year of developing her 22 , she showed Georgie a dress she made according to one of her designs. “It was amazing to see what I drew ... ...

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