ID: 21496437

七上英语单元测试Unit 3 【人教2024版核心素养阶段测试】(原卷版+解答版+讲解ppt)

日期:2024-10-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:19次 大小:2273323B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教2024七上英语同步精品课件 人教版七年级上册 人教2024版七上英语精彩课堂 阶段性检测讲解课件 七上英语单元测试Unit3 范围:Unit3 笔试部分(建议用时:40分钟 满分:100分) Ⅰ.单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1.—Is Gina in the      —Yes. She often plays tennis there. B.gym C.library D.hotel B ( )2.—Do we need to learn English well —Yes. It’s a(n)     subject. A.important B.interesting C.easy D.hard A ( )3.—How is your school hall —It’s very    and it can hold(容纳) over 1,000 students. A.special B.amazing C.tidy D.large D ( )4.You can see a     in Lisa’s room and a lot of books are in it. A.hat B.bottle C.bookcase D.yard C ( )5.There    a book and some pencils in the schoolbag. C.are A ( )6.Oh, it’s 11:50.Let’s go to the     to have lunch. A.dining hall building C.sports field hall A ( )7.In class, the boy needs the teacher’s help, so he      his hand. A.takes B.raises C.makes D.puts B ( )8.Please help me     the pictures on the wall, Mike. A.sit down B.get up C.put up in C ( )9.The sports field is     our classroom. I can see the students on it from the windows of our classroom. the middle of the back of the front of front of D ( )10.—I have to go home.     —Bye. A.Bye for now. B.Thank you. C.Let’s go. D.How about you A Ⅱ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) My name is Lucy. I’m a middle school student. Now I am in my  11 . It’s a  12  classroom. It’s really large and tidy. You can see a blackboard on the front wall. A  13  whiteboard is next to it. This is my seat. It is at the back of the classroom. There is a book, an eraser and a pencil on my desk. My other books are in my desk  14 . I don’t want to put all my things in the desk drawer because we  15  seats every week. I put them in the locker. My good friend Mona’s seat is on my right. Her seat is  16  to my seat. There is also a book, an eraser and a pencil on her desk. Mona is in the  17  now. She likes reading and often  18  a lot of time there. Jenny’s seat is on my left. It is close to the reading corner. It’s  19  for her to get books from the reading corner. There is  20  a blackboard on the back wall. We often put up some important notices on it. ( ) B.classroom C.desk D.schoolbag ( )12.A.modern B.handsome C.helpful D.funny ( )13.A.clever B.national C.polite ( )14.A.knee C.drawer D.leg B  A D C ( )15.A.change B.think C.answer D.teach ( )16.A.different B.similar C.quiet ( ) B.hotel C.gym D.library ( )18.A.spends B.raises C.plays D.joins A B D A ( )19.A.special B.easy C.fool D.pretty ( )20.A.really B.still C.also D.just B C Ⅲ.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) A   I am Mary. My favourite place at school is the library. It’s tidy and quiet. I like doing my homework there after school every day. Sometimes, I a ... ...

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