ID: 21505708

人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language 单元练习(含答案)

日期:2024-10-19 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:39次 大小:27170B 来源:二一课件通
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选必一unit 4 单元练习 一、拓展词汇 1.interact vt.交流;相互影响_____ n. 交流;相互影响 2.vary vi.(根据情况)变化;改变_____ adj.各种不同的;各种各样的 _____n.变化;多样化;多变性 3.approve vi. 赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过_____ n. 同意;赞成;批准 (反义词)_____n. 不同意 4.demonstrate vt.表现;表达;说明;证明_____ n. 表现;说明 5.employ vt.使用;雇用;应用_____ n. 受雇者;雇员_____ n. 雇用者;雇主_____n.雇用;使用 vi. 比较 _____n. 比较 7.infer v. 推理;推断 n._____ 8.rely vi. 信任;信赖;依靠 _____ adj.可靠的;可信赖的 9.assess vt. 评估;评价_____ n.评定;评价 10.educator n.教师;教育工作者;教育家_____ adj.受过良好教育(或训练)的_____ n.教育;训练 11.tend vi. 趋向;倾向_____ n.趋势;倾向 12.favour vt. 较喜欢:n. 帮助;恩惠_____adj. 赞同的 13.occupy vt. 占据;占用_____ adj. 忙于……的;从事……的_____n.职业 14.distract vt. 分散(注意力);使分心_____ n.使人分心的事物 15.distinguish vi.&vt.区分;辨别_____ adj.杰出的 16.anxious adj.焦虑的;担心的_____n.焦虑;担心 17.inquire vi.&vt.询问;打听_____ n.询问;打听;调查 18.ultimate adj.最终的,终极的_____ adv.最终;最后 19.adjust vt. 调整;调节 vi.&vt.适应_____ n. 调整;适应 20.react vi. (对……)起反应;回应_____ n.反应;回应 三、单句语法填空 1.Lack of confidence is one of the main _____(barrier) to his success. 2._____(occupy) with his homework, he didn’t notice the flying birds outside. 3.By learning English, we can broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge in _____(vary) fields. 4.I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and _____(rely) than television. 5.Generally speaking, people in Japan favour_____(bow) when they meet. 6.Straighten_____your room before going out to play. 8.In China, smiling is not only an expression of happiness, but also a way to avoid being _____(embarrass). 9.He tried his best to get his parents' _____(approve) for his marriage, but in vain. 10.Barbara is in her late forties and has a _____(tend) to complain about what she doesn't feel content with. 11.In her thirties, she distinguished herself as an athlete. Later, she became a _____(distinguish) coach. 12.Many_____(educate) strongly oppose protecting children too much. 13.If I can have the honour _____(employ),i am sure i won’t disappoint you . 14.It’s _____(embarrass) to be caught telling a lie. 15.A poor diet will _____(ultimate) lead to illness. 16.The seat of a car is _____(adjust), so you can adjust it according to your height. 17.An_____(inquire) was carried out by the government to determine the cause of the accident. 18. Mary_____(stare) at me in disbelief when I told her that the president would pay a visit to our school. 19. He was so _____(anger) that tears rolled down his cheeks without control. 20. I _____(bend) down into my starting position, the cheering around me growing louder. 四、短语填空 1.You can_____(相信)the talks between the two countries will not break down. 2.She doesn’t _____(赞同) me leaving school this year. 3.The ot ... ...

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