ID: 21515153

外研版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 4 Friends Forever Starting out & Understanding ideas 教学设计

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:26次 大小:19518B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Friends Forever Starting out & Understanding ideas 教学目标 Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 1.conclude the message that the writer intends to convey about making friends online; 2.interpret the writer’s opinion on making friends online; 3.form their own idea about qualities of being a true online friend; 4.evaluate the importance of friendship and thus determine how to make a good friend. Teaching Focuses: 1. Help the students to conclude the message that the writer intends to convey about making friends online with a series of questions, during which process provide them opportunities to practice the new language. 2. Guide the students to analyze the writer’s opinion on making friends online,during which process help the read between the lines and provoke deep thinking. Anticipated Difficulties: 1.Help the students to establish their own idea about qualities of being a true online friend and express it appropriately. 2. Help the students to evaluate the importance of friendship and thus decide how to make a good friend in their daily life. 教学过程 Ideas of the design: Based on communicative language teaching as well as task-based language teaching principles, this lesson will focus on a sequence of questions, which range from identifying message from the passage to interpreting the author’s writing purpose and forming their own ideas. During the whole process, the students are highly involved in thinking and expressing. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Lead-in 1.Introduce the topic of “friendship”through a poem about friendship and a video telling some stories behind Auld Lang Syne. 2.Get the students to have a brain-storm about the way of making friends and communicating with each other by ticking answers to some questions. Step 2: Reading Identify the message 1.Students skim the passage to figure out the main idea, that is “Advantages and disadvantages of making friends online”. 2.Students scan the passage to figure out what the advantages and disadvantages are and try to employ the new language to speak out on them. Interpret the writing purpose Use the following questions to guide the students: 1.What's the author's opinion about making friends online 2.What's the reason behind it Read between the lines Use the following questions to guide the students: 1.Why does the writer use a question mark in the title 2.Is it possible to find a real friend online 3.What qualities are needed to ensure real friends online Step 3 Think and Share Evaluate the importance of friendship & Determine the qualities of real friends Give the students the following questions and allow them to think and share.(group discussion) 1.Aristotle once said, “no one would choose to live without friends, even if he had all other goods”. What is your understanding of friendship; how can friendship benefit us 2.Since friendship can benefit us significantly, how can we be a good friend to maintain quality friendship Con ... ...

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