ID: 21537752

外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 2 Exploring English 阅读 教学设计

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:85次 大小:32768B 来源:二一课件通
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外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit2 Understanding ideas 板块教学设计 课题:Unit2 Exploring English 主题语境:人与自我———学习英语、探索英语 内容分析:本节课文是一篇说明文,通过英语中不同单词的外形结构与其意义的不同以及其有趣的变化,使读者感受到英语单词的魅力,进而激发学生学习的动机和兴趣。本节课问依次呈现英语语言的多样性和创造性。其中,就英语构词法而言,文章列举的不同单词给出了不同的英语构词法,主要是三种派生词、合成词和词义转换法。文章在不同段落通过学生熟悉的不同单词给我们呈现了有趣的变化,引导学生思考语言与其背后的社会经济文化的联系。通过语言现象,语言学习增进对跨文化交际的理解。 教学目标:通过学习本届内,学生能够做到以下几点: 语言目标:读懂文章的大意,能够对每个段落进行主旨要义的概括,进而理解文章的主旨。 能力目标:对语篇的各个段落所谈论的语言构词法做出归纳和理解。比如:派生词、合成词以及词义转换等。 思维品质:通过阅读让学生理解英语所包含的文化背景以及英美在其语言发展中所体现的社会文化,从而对语言的跨文化交际有深刻的理解。 教学重点: 引导学生读懂语篇,归纳每段主旨大意。 沥青本文的发展线索,学习说明文的写作结构 对跨文化的语言交流有深刻认识,并能够在语言学习中对每种语言背后的文化联系有初步认识。 教学难点: 语言所反映的文化联系 英语在于篇结构中所呈现的不同构词法的理解 如何引导学生对说明文的写作特点进行归纳总结 教学过程: 教学内容 (Teaching contents) Activity1: 教师活动 (Teacher’s activity) Lead in the topic through five pictures and lead Ss to observe them. Ask Ss to describe the main ides of each photo. Ask three groups to answer the following questions Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. Tick what you think the passage is about. Guess what information is in the passage 学生活动 (Students’ activity) Look at the picture and answer the teacher’s questions Discuss the question in groups and write down their own answers Share with partners the ideas Read the passage and check the answers 目的(Purpose) Inspire Ss’ interest in the change of English Review the words and phrases in this passage Lead in the topic Activity2: 教师活动 (Teacher’s activity) The teacher leads Ss to watch video and learn the history of English. According to the video, the teacher asks Ss some questions Which countries do the people speak English Or which countries are English used to act as the first language How many words are French used as English Play the video again to check Ss’ answer s(If Ss have much trouble in understanding the passage, play several times.) 学生活动 (Students’ activity) Ss watch the video and think about the questions Answer the questions The UK , Ireland , the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. More than a third of English words come from French. 目的(Purpose) To make Ss interested in English To inspire their eagerness to read the passage Learn different cultural background To make Ss combine Video and the passage Activity3: 教师活动 (Teacher’s activity) The teacher asks Ss to read the passage The teacher asks Ss the following questions How did pineapples, hamburgers and eggplants get their names How do you understan ... ...

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