ID: 21547858


日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:35次 大小:41342B 来源:二一课件通
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高考英语 一轮复习180个重点句型 That is the reason why I'm not in favour of revising the plan. 这就是我不赞成修正这个计划的原因。 【句型分析】why I'm not in favour of revising the plan做the reason的定语从句。 2. His failure was due to the fact that he had not practised for a long time. 他的失败是由于他没有练习很长时间。 【句型分析】that he had not practised for a long time做the fact的同位语从句。 3. It is likely that it will rain in the evening.可能晚上会下雨。 【句型分析】It做形式主语,主语从句that it will rain in the evening做真正主语。 4. How they went to America is what I want to know.他们如何到的美国是我想知道的事情。 【句型分析】How they went to America是主语从句,在整句话中做主语;what I want to know是表语从句,在整句话中做表语。 5. It occurred to him that he had left his key at home. 他突然想起把钥匙落在了家里。 【句型分析】It做形式主语,that he had left his key at home主语从句做真正主语。 6. The reason why he came late was that he didn't catch the early bus. 他迟到的原因是他没有赶上早班车。 【句型分析】why he came late是The reason的定语从句,对其起修饰作用;that he didn't catch the early bus是表语从句,在整个句子中做表语。 7. I'm looking forward to the day when Tai Wan returns to China. 我期待着太晚回归祖国的那一天。 【句型分析】when Tai Wan returns to China是定语从句,做the day的定语,对其起修饰作用。 8. He sat by the fire, reading a novel. 他坐在火旁,读着一本小说。 【句型分析】reading a novel是现在分词做伴随状语,其逻辑主语是句子主语he。 9. My dream came true at last. 我的梦想最终实现了。 【句型分析】come true:实现,成真。 10. It will not be long before we meet again. 不久之后我们就会再次见面的。 【句型分析】before we meet again是时间状语,it指时间。 11. The English play in which my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success. 新年聚会上,学生表演的这部英语剧非常成功。 【句型分析】in which my students acted at the New Year’s party是定语从句,做The English play的定语。 12. I worked in a business where almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. 我在一家几乎人人都在等好机会的企业里工作。 【句型分析】where almost everyone is waiting for a great chance是定语从句,做a business的定语。 13. He kept looking at her, wondering whether he had seen her somewhere. 他一直看着她,想知道他是否在某个地方见过她。 【句型分析】wondering...是现在分词做伴随状语,逻辑主语是he,whether he had seen her somewhere是宾语从句,做wondering的宾语。 14. It is a great honor for Beijing that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. 2008年奥运会将在北京举行对北京来说是一个很大的荣誉。 【句型分析】that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing是同位语从句,做a great honor的同位语。 15. Timmy was fined a large sum of money by the judge for drunken driving. 由于被判定酒驾,Timmy 被罚了一大笔钱。 【句型分析】drunken driving:酒驾。 16. Although he thought he was helping us with the work, he was actually in the way. 尽管他认为是在帮我们,实际上是在碍事。 【句型分析】Although he thought he was helping us with the work是让步状语从句。 17. Most ... ...

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