ID: 21539589

人教版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 5 Music Reading and Thinking教案

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:66次 大小:20951B 来源:二一课件通
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人教社2019年版高中英语新教材必修Book 2 Unit 5 Music 单元语篇教学设计 Period 2 Teaching and learning contents: Reading and thinking—Reading comprehension Comprehensive teaching and learning objectives: By the end of this period, the students will have been able to: 1) Know about reading strategy of scanning and use the strategy to find important information; 2) Read, comprehend and know about the virtual choir and experiencing music online; 3) Develop their culture awareness about music and the virtual choir; 4) Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of virtual choir to improve their thinking quality. Teaching and learning important points: 1) Reading comprehension of the text and using reading strategy of scanning; 2) Knowing more the virtual choir, developing culture awareness about music and improve thinking quality. Teaching and learning difficult points: 1) Reading comprehension of the text and using reading strategy of scanning; 2) Knowing more the virtual choir, developing culture awareness about music and improve thinking quality. Teaching and learning procedure: Step 1 Leading-in Activity 1 Leading-in 1. Lead in the reading topic by watching a short video about robotic musicians playing the traditional Chinese musical instruments. (Technologies about music: robotic musicians, electronic music, virtual choir, AI music composition and performance, and so on.) 2. Introduce the teaching objectives of this period. Step 2 Pre-reading Activity 2 Discussion and making predictions 1. Discuss the question in groups and share answers. How can computers and the Internet help us experience music differently Suggested answer: Computers and the Internet can help us experience a wide range of musical genres. The Internet gives us access to millions of songs from many different genres, so we can find exactly what we puter technology today can also help us create the sound of an orchestra on our home computer! They can also help us change music to something new. 2. Watching a short video to know about virtual choir and talk about how it is different from the reality choir (Virtual Choir is a global phenomenon, creating an online choir that brings together singers from all over the world.) 3. Look at the title and picture and predict the main content of the text. 4. Go through or match the new words with their definition to know their meaning. Step 3 While-reading Activity 3 Reading comprehension 1. Introduce the reading strategy of scanning. Scanning is reading a text quickly to find specific information, such as names or figures. Run over the whole text and focus on the information. It is important to emphasize that not every word has to be read to get the information. Limit your time looking at the text, only focus on looking for the target information. 2. Scan and circle the information in the text. 1) The man who came up with the idea for a virtual choir. Para. 2 Line 1: Eric Whitacre. →creator 2) The place where he studied musical composition. ... ...

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