ID: 21544389

一般将来时be going to句型专项练习(含答案)人教版九年级全册

日期:2024-10-25 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:19次 大小:53698B 来源:二一课件通
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一般将来时be going to句型专项练习 ⅠPut in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use going to(用be going to完成下列句子) Example: HeKelly at the railway station. (to meet) He is going to meet Kelly at the railway station. 1.They a picnic. (to have) 2.I a new car. (to buy) 3.Kevin and Lilly their honeymoon in Portugal. (to spend) 4.It's so cloudy. I think, it soon. (to rain) 5.We next month. (to get married) 6.She a red dress to the party. (put on) 7.They their mother on the way back. (visit) 8.You the competition. (to take part in) 9.I dinner for my wife. (to cook) 10.He in Japan. (to work) 11.He a new job. (not / to look for) 12.They a baby. (not / to have) 13.We here for long. (not / to stay) 14.I my parents at the airport. (not / to meet) 15.She in Poland. (not / to work) 16.He the truth. (not / to tell) 17.You your job. (not / to quit) 18.It . (not / to rain) 19.We her tomorrow. (not / to call) 20.I him a message. (not / to write) 21. that film (you / to watch) 22. her homework (she / to do) 23. their room (they / to clean) 24. for his maths test (he / to prepare) 25. that book (you / to read) 26. the problem (we / to solve) 27. French (she / to study) 28. a bicycle in summer (they / to ride) 29. trees near his house (he / to plant) 30. It's so cloudy. (it / to rain) 31. with him. (she / to break up) 32. diving while visiting Egypt (you / to try) 33. Kelly a new watch. (I / not / to buy) 34. weight (he / to lose) 35. a party at our house. (we / to have) 36. her daughter what to do. (she / not / to tell) 37. him about his bad behavior. (I / to talk to) 38. with John (they / to chat) 39. his brother to fix the car. (he / to help) 40. at the sea or in the mountains (we / to spend) ⅡParaphrase the following sentences using short form of going to. Fill in the full sentence.用一般将来时going to 句型改写句子 Example I will buy a computer. I am going to buy a computer. 1.I’ll spend some time in the country. 2.Will she visit me later 3.They won't learn Spanish. 4.She won't show them her new house. 5.Will he paint the wall 6.You'll move to Tokyo. 7.It will rain. 8.Will Steven decorate the tree 9.I won't dance at the party. 10.Will you take my advice Ⅲ Put the Wh-question to the word/ phrase in bold. Use going to.就加粗的单词或者短语提问 Example We are going to call John on Sunday. Who are we going to call on Sunday 1.They are going to have a picnic on Monday. 2.I am going to stay at my sister's house. 3.She is going to buy a present for her friend. 4.Jane and Noah are going to get married. 5.He is going to spend the summer holidays in the country. 6.We are going to decorate our school. 7.They are going to have dinner at 7 pm. 8.They are going to learn Spanish. 9.Mary is going to go to the mall. 10.Sophia is going to visit her family next week. Answers ⅠPut in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use going to. 1.are going to have going to buy 3.are going to spend going to rain 5.are going to get marr ... ...

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