ID: 21550559

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? 第3课时 Section B(1a—1e)一课一练【人教版2024秋八上英语】

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:73次 大小:292319B 来源:二一课件通
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/ 让教学更有效 精品试卷 | 英语学科 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 comfortable watch serve help new 1.Jane, thank you for_____me! I’m really grateful. 2.Come here, Mom. You can sit_____in the seat. 3.The theater has the_____movies. We all like it. 4.I don’t like the restaurant because the_____is not good. 5.Many children like_____cartoons.      根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1.The supermarket has many kinds of f_____fruits. 2.Here is the m_____. What would you like to eat 3.The waiters in this restaurant are not friendly to the customers. Few people go to it because it has really bad s_____. 4.I think breakfast is the most important m_____in a day. 5.You should listen to your teachers c_____in class. 三、根据括号里的提示词完成下列句子 1.Where can we buy_____(cheap) clothes, Miller’s, Blue Moon or Dream Clothes 2.We can buy the clothes_____(cheap) in Miller’s in our town. 3.In our class, Tina is_____girl so she works_____in every subject.(careful) 4.Town Cinema has_____seats of all, so we can sit     there.(comfortable) 5.91.8 FM has_____(good) music than any other radio station and the DJs choose songs     (careful) of all. 6.I don’t want to go to Jasper’s Clothes Store. It has the_____(bad) clothes in town. 四、完形填空 Leib had a poor family. One day he left home for a big city. He was really  1 . Because of his hard work, he made much more  2  than he expected(期望) just in one year. But day by day, he  3  his family more and more. He thought he had  4  money for his family, so he decided to go home. On his way home, Leib was tired and spent one night in a  5 . To keep all his money safe, he decided to bury(埋) the money near an old house,  6  he thought no one lived there. In fact, an old man  7  everything through his window. When Leib left, the old man  8  the money. The next morning, Leib went to get the money back, but found it was gone. “I  9  had money to give my poor family a good life before. Now I have made some but lost it. What a  10  thing!” Leib cried. Suddenly, he found that there was someone in the old house. “It must be him,” he thought. Leib said  11  to the old man and continued, “I hear you’re the  12  person in town. I need your advice. I buried some money last night. Now I get some more.  13  should I bury it, in the same place or in another one ” “In the  14  one! You can put them together,” the old man said. Leib thanked him and left. Then the old man buried the money back quickly. “The man won’t bury the new money here  15  he finds his old money is gone,” the old man thought. But he didn’t expect that Leib got back his money at last. Who do you think is smarter (   )1.A.serious B.popular C.outgoing D.hard-working (   ) C.clothes (   )3.A.remembered B.saved C.missed D.left (   )4.A.any C.little D.enough (   )5.A.hotel (   )6.A.although B.because C.but D.or (   )7. ... ...

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