ID: 21545171

人教版九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to习作:音乐和电影写作思路

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:52次 大小:15200B 来源:二一课件通
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九年级全册第9单元习作:音乐和电影写作思路 写作提纲 引言: - 介绍最喜欢的科幻电影《星际穿越》。 - 指出导演是克里斯托弗·诺兰,主题是一组宇航员穿越虫洞寻找新家园。 展开: - 强调电影引人入胜,让人对宇宙和时空产生深刻思考。 - 突出穿越虫洞的震撼画面和巧妙设计的故事情节。 - 表达电影不仅为娱乐,还激发了对未知世界的好奇心。 结尾: - 希望朋友也能喜欢这部兼具科幻和感情元素的电影。 - 表达期待听到朋友的看法。 满分范文 Dear Sam, Greetings! I'd like to share my favorite sci-fi film with you— "Interstellar." Directed by Christopher Nolan, it depicts a breathtaking journey of astronauts through a wormhole in search of a new home. I adore this movie for its gripping storyline and profound exploration of the universe and time. The visuals of wormhole travel are awe-inspiring, and the plot is cleverly crafted. "Interstellar" not only entertains but also fuels my curiosity about the unknown. I believe you'll enjoy this blend of sci-fi and emotion. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Best regards, Liu Han 参考译文 亲爱的山姆, 你好!我想跟你分享我最喜欢的科幻电影———《星际穿越》。这是一部由克里斯托弗·诺兰执导的科幻电影,讲述了一组宇航员穿越虫洞寻找新家园的壮丽故事。 我特别喜欢这部电影,因为它不仅引人入胜,还让我对宇宙和时空有了更深的思考。每一场穿越虫洞的画面都令人震撼,而且故事情节设计得非常巧妙。 这部电影不仅给我带来了娱乐,还启发了我对未知世界的好奇心。我相信你也会喜欢这部兼具科幻和感情元素的电影。 期待听到你的看法! 祝好, 刘汉 学习要点 重点词汇、词组、固定搭配和常用表达: 1. Greetings: 问候 2. Sci-fi film: 科幻电影 3. Interstellar: 《星际穿越》 4. Directed by: 由...执导 5. Depicts a breathtaking journey: 描绘了一场惊心动魄的旅程 6. Through a wormhole: 通过虫洞 7. In search of a new home: 寻找新家园 8. Adore this movie: 喜爱这部电影 9. Gripping storyline: 扣人心弦的故事情节 10. Profound exploration: 深刻的探讨 11. Visuals of wormhole travel: 虫洞旅行的视觉效果 12. Awe-inspiring:令人惊叹的 13. Cleverly crafted plot: 精心设计的情节 14. Entertains: 娱乐 15. Fuel my curiosity: 激发我的好奇心 16. Blend of sci-fi and emotion: 科幻与情感的融合 17. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts: 期待听到你的想法 18. Best regards:致以最诚挚的问候 丰富的句式: 1. Greetings! I'd like to share...: 问候!我想分享... - Greetings! I'd like to share my favorite sci-fi film with you— "Interstellar." 2. Directed by Christopher Nolan, it depicts...: 由克里斯托弗·诺兰执导,它描绘了... - Directed by Christopher Nolan, it depicts a breathtaking journey of astronauts through a wormhole in search of a new home. 3. I adore this movie for its...: 我喜爱这部电影,因为它... - I adore this movie for its gripping storyline and profound exploration of the universe and time. 4. "Interstellar" not only entertains but also...: 《星际穿越》不仅娱乐,而且... - "Interstellar" not only entertains but also fuels my curiosity about the unknown. 5. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!: 期待听到你的想法! 地道英语写作技巧和经验: 1. 用问候语拉开序幕: 通过使用"Greetings"等问候语,使信件更显亲切 ... ...

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