ID: 21616427

人教选必二Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land基于单元主题意义的高中英语拓展阅读课(课件)

日期:2024-11-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:19次 大小:23549006B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 基于单元主题意义探究的 高中英语拓展阅读课 选必二 U4 Journey across a vast land (人教版)高二年级 上 01 Learning objectives Content 02 Lead-in 03 While-reading 05 06 Pre-reading 07 Post-reading 04 Presentation 08 Homework Summary Learning objectives At the end of the class, students are expected to: 1. identify the structure of the article; 2. summarize the difference between modern tourism and tourism in the Ming Dynasty; 3. write a short essay about a long journey ; 4. boost their awareness of and confidence in Chinese culture. Lead-in East or west, Guilin landscape is best. Lead-in Li River XU XIAKE’S GUILIN Prediction According to the title and pictures, what might be mentioned in the text XU XIAKE’S GUILIN Pre-reading While-reading Reading for the structure Read the article and use keywords to summarize the main idea of each part. XU XIAKE’S GUILIN Para.1-3 Para.4-6 Para.7- 8 experience, Li River, karsts Xu Xiake, tourism, Ming Dynasty Ox Gorge Post-reading Reading for details ▏Para.1 Experience Read paragraph 1 and fill in the following table Purpose of my trip: Introduction to XU XIAKE: Destination of my trip : to follow in the footsteps of Xu Xiake the famous Chinese travel writer and geographer Ox Gorge XU XIAKE is a (n)_____person. adventurous While-reading The cause of formation of karsts: The study of Xu Xiake: Reading for details ▏Para.2 Karsts Read paragraph 2 and fill in the following table rain drained into the acidic soil and melted the soft rock, leaving the harder rock behind. make a careful study of Guilin’s karasts and their related cave systems. XU XIAKE is a (n)_____ person. enquiring While-reading Do you know “ A great man should in the morning be at the blue sea, and in the evening at Mount Cangwu.” in Chinese 丈夫当朝碧海而暮苍梧 Reading for details ▏Para.4 Xu Xiake Read paragraph 4 and think about following questions. XU XIAKE is a (n)_____ person. ambitious While-reading Discussion How do you think modern tourism differs from tourism in the Ming Dynasty (1368 -1644) Finish the table and give a presentation about the difference. Aspect Ming Dynasty Modern Times Transportation Accomodation Information Access While-reading Do you agree with the author that Xu Xiake probably played in the mud Why or Why not Reading for details ▏Para.7-8 Ox Gorge Read paragraph 7-8 and think about following questions. While-reading Imagine that you are a modern-day Xu Xiake and wish to go on a long journey somewhere in the world. Write a short essay telling: ●where you intend to visit. ●why you wish to go there. ●what you hope to learn. ●what difficulties you might face. ●what you would enjoy on your journey. Activity ▏ A short essay Post-reading South America Post-reading Jiuzhaigou Presentation Post-reading Presentation If I, as a modern-day Xu Xiake, were to embark on a grand journey, I would set my sights on the vast and diverse landscapes of South America. ... ...

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