ID: 21743890


日期:2024-11-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:23次 大小:3707808B 来源:二一课件通
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2024-2025学年度第一学期期中质量检测 〔三》买等中有两款较长的时厉,从寒巾所治的A.B,C三个远项中,远出的回答所给 门愿菲最佳答案。〔每湖对话试两老: 七年级英语试题 有第一受对活,四常效11三第12虎小小是 第1治《远平恩共47分) U1.What kind u.dumplings wonld the msn ike 一,听力法择《共13小恩,计5分) Au.lar以ali umpin 〔一》请听录产中土超短话。年组对话后都有一个小遂,从恩中所给的4、B、C三个 B.Beet'and potato curmlingx 觉双中,选出与对话内容相符的图片,(每料对活读两请) C.Beut and caboage doumplings. 12.How iuch auc thesc thigs 1.Who is Misg Green A.s5. E3.15 C.s25. 听或二及衫。回答第13毛第15三个小5。 13.Where did Jnck live 2.Whnt is Jim's favarite vegetable A.Chi the farm. R.In his friemi's hxuse. C.山a botel B. 14.Waat disl they do thore ! A.They picked romntoc 3.What would Perer like to have B.They pickod potaloes. . B. CTlcy plinted sore pear tecs. 7 15.What does the woenan thinks of Inck's trip 4,What did the man see during the trip A.月omg. B.Torrible. C.Great (请问学们赳到第ú女,找到照川弟三大短,姓装做斯力虹问区。) B. 二、点读理郸(共16小还,计32分> 5.How did Luty's uncle get there yustorday Do you like reiding bouks In 21124.Man ond T.catie fiss,the children's B. baving the 54th buthday.Tbxc are mauy iolerestug stouws in this bok.Here let'&take a leok at sone fumry pesoos in tbe arorica. 〔一)诗听录音巾五组迅时话。每翘对活后有一个小愿,从愿中给的A,B、C三个进 [le has a limny face arxd long arms.Tle has no hair.Hle can rnaske hrstklsst 项中,选出能同普所给问区的站佳婆燕、(每淘对话读两迥) cL his bed with his long ar.What does Mr.Tickle wiant tIe likes 6.hen did Wu Han go to the library eing(法被译people very much.ITe alwys sta站在)wheco yiu A.Yesterdny maming.B.Yesterday ailemixm. (Last night sce bir地,tick]ing yon vit地bis long ams! 7.What would the boy like to eat She is the happiest persan in the sorica.She is kiod to everyone.She has .1k5. B.Noadles. C.Duruplings. nandlnse.Her eyes are Dot i but she has anigmo 8.What did Tim huy fir his hrother Her hest irid is Mr.Happy.They wnnt to make:friends wirh you. A.A1ewsa1c白. B.A bascball. C.A baskctbalL He is shixet ard beavy.He hns n big mouth and a big stomch).Hia leps 9.Where dlid Tina go last wockeu rebortand fat.He is always ugry anda lat.Te has drears abour A.To the lake. B.To tbe beach C.To the park faod at night. 10.What does Nacy's dog iook like [6.:en and Li城sis8 bouk for children A.It's blnck and benvy.B3.It his white legs C.It has hig eyes. A.9ie幻r出 D.story 七三级克洁第1吹头3门 亡年迈英语婷2可大9可

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