ID: 21750224

新人教版选修二语境识词Unit 2 Bridging Cultures(背诵版+练习版)

日期:2025-03-11 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:81次 大小:718215B 来源:二一课件通
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新人数·选修二 Unit乙 背诵版(一) Elaine英语 My friend Xie Lei recalled her complex experience of studying abroad.Xie Lei originally studied for a business qualification at a university in China.She is an ambitious girl,and her ambition is to set up a business back in China after graduation.She chose to live with a host family for her adaptation to the new culture.It was a comfort for her to have a second family.Her college tutor was very strict and advised her to participate in class activities.For example,she should speak up in class or give presentations, not cite others'opinions.She was engaged in British culture and involved in social activities,thus acting as a cultural messenger.She knew that much exposure to another culture Elaine英语 could give her great insights into the world.At first,she felt culture shock from a foreign country,and had an overwhelming homesickness.But later she stepped out of her comfort zone and felt much more at home.She became more motivated.Xie Lei's advisor talked to her about maintaining reasonable expectations when studying abroad.Her motivation to study abroad became more clear,and she even wanted to be an applicant for a job at a foreign firm.However,she was looking forward to her early departure from the UK. Elaine英语 我的胴友谢蕾回忆起地复来的留学经历。谢蕾最初在中国一所大学攻读商科。地 是个有抱负的女孩,地的志同是毕业后回国创业。为弓适应新的文化,地选择庄布 寄启家魔。有ㄋ第二个家庞对地来说是一种安慰。地的大学导师非岸严格,建议地 参加班级活动。例柳,地应该在课堂上大声发言或作报告,而不是用别人的观 点。地融八英国文化,参加社交活动,因此花当着文化使者的角色。地知道,多接 触另一种文化可以让地对世界有深刻的乃解。一开帕,地感受到乃异国的文化冲 击,产生ㄋ一种强烈的乡愁。但后来地走出弓自乙的舒适区,感觉更自在ㄋ。地变 得更有动力ㄋ。谢蕾的导师跟地谈ㄋ在留学时要保持合理的预期。地出国留学的动 机变得更加明确,地甚至想申请到外企工作。然而,地期待着早日离开英国。 Elaine英语

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