ID: 22507412

UNIT 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking From Problems to Solutions Reading to Acquire课件(共13张)+

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:42次 大小:93349251B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Learning objectives 1. to extract chunks and sentence structures related to problems, solutions and significances; 2. to logically express problems, solutions and significances in new contexts; 3. to enhance the awareness of cultural heritage protection and deepen the recognition of global cooperation in problem resolution. UNIT 1 From Problems to Solutions Reading to Acquire balance protection progress significances problems solutions a big challenge protection VS progress the old; to preserve everything from our past; the new; to move towards the future; Collect word chunks to describe “progress” and “protection” Learn to collect to build a new dam; to protect temples; economic development; to improve society; the old; the new; economic development; noun phrases / to do sth; doing sth / noun clauses; Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural relics can be a big challenge. Collect sentence patterns to express challenges / problems Learn to collect But the proposal led to protests. general — specific Digging this massive ship out without damaging it could be a big challenge at that time. Use one sentence / a paragraph to describe challenge(s) people would face to excavate / dig out / surfacing the shipwreck. Learn to use In 1822, an ancient ship, now known as Nanhai No. 1, measuring 22 metres in length and 10 metres in width, sank in South China Sea. It was, then, carrying more than 1,000 tons of goods: more than 1,000,000 pieces of porcelain. In 1987, it was discovered undersea, buried deep under several meters of mud and sand. There came a time when knowing the past was of great significance to development, and it was not possible to develop without knowing the past. That meant, in this case, studying the shipwreck was necessary if we wanted to explore history of its time. But this led to worries. Surfacing it without putting divers in danger could be a big challenge, for the divers had to fight against unpredictable underwater setting. Meanwhile, how to preserve the submerged treasures also posed technical challenges. SAMPLE There came a time when knowing the past was of great significance to development, and it was not possible to develop without knowing the past. That meant, in this case, studying the shipwreck was necessary if we wanted to explore history of its time. But this led to worries. Surfacing it without putting divers in danger could be a big challenge, for the divers had to fight against unpredictable underwater setting. Meanwhile, how to preserve the submerged treasures also posed techinical challenges. SAMPLE Learn to collect Collect word chunks that describe solutions Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. turn to the United Nations for help establish a committee — ask for contributions from different departments; raise funds within the international community; sign a document; begin the ... ...

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