ID: 21750316

【教材完全解读】新人教版选修二Unit 5 First Aid课堂笔记(PDF电子书版)

日期:2024-11-22 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:92次 大小:6293588B 来源:二一课件通
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人民表章出领 Elaine英语 FIRST UNIT AID 急教 Elaine英语 120 120 120 课堂笺记 Elaine英语 P49-60 It's a great honour to save a life. 能救人一命是奠大雨荣李。 -Leigh Bardugo 1.I think the students are learning basic first aid,in particular CPR(). 7.I have never seen CPR performed in real life,but I have often seen it Elaine performed in films and on TV,and I have read about how to do it.You press down on the chest of a victim every few seconds.I don't think I'm confident enough to try it myself though. It is important because if someone's heart or breathing stops,they usually have only three to nine minutes before their brain suffers irreversible(元法复原的)damage because o时alack o时xygen,,unless CPR is performed.. However,it may take anywhere from 10-70 minutes before an ambulance comes once you call an emergency service In this unit,you will Look and discuss 1 read about the first aid for burns and a 1 What is the girl on the right doing in the story about an emergency situation. photo' 照片中右边雨女在院什4? 2 listen to an emergency call and make a similar call for help..Elaine英语 2家2胺另浅7eoe 3 write a story about first aid. 3 Do you think it's important for the students 4 learn about how the Red Cross was to learn this Why founded and what it does. 脉认为客生笃司这个重零吗?为中? 49

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