ID: 21766128

江苏省徐州市2025届高三上学期零模英语考试读后续写---一次改变Simon一生的音乐课 讲义

日期:2024-11-22 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:85次 大小:21085B 来源:二一课件通
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文本解读 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开篇语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Simon was born with a very poor vision. However, to add insult to injury, Simon’s eyes are extremely sensitive to light, which is more frustrating. While others cheer and run outside on sunny days, Simon can only stay at home or wear his tightly wrapped sun hat. 上天对于主人公Simon,既是伤害又是侮辱(to add insult to injury,也可译作雪上加霜,或伤口撒盐)。Simon不光生来视力极差,对光线还非常敏感,外出要戴上包裹严实的遮阳帽,这怎不令人沮丧。 At school, Simon was haunted by a deep sense of inferiority. In class, he never raised his hand, afraid of classmates’ eyes on him. He sat in silence as others participated in discussions and activities effortlessly, while he felt trapped in his own shell of self-doubt. He constantly compared himself to others and always found himself lacking. The weight of his insecurities made every day at school a struggle. Simon在学校总是感到自卑,不敢举手,不参加讨论和活动。读到这里,敏锐的读写嗅觉告诉我们,这是一个关于英雄成长的故事,主人公注定要发生转变。标记一下,续写时可以通过前后对比,表现主人公的变化。 这一段中的漂亮句子: 1. Simon was haunted by a deep sense of inferiority.2. …he felt trapped in his own shell of self-doubt.3. The weight of his insecurities made every day at school a struggle. haunt意思是缠绕,萦绕心头,是及物动词。The tune haunted me all day. 这首曲子整天萦绕在我脑海。linger也有萦绕、不肯离去之意,区别在于linger是不及物动词。haunt和linger都是读后续写必备词汇。inferiority是自卑,反义词是superiority优越感。 shell本意是外壳,在这里是隐喻,Simon被困在自我怀疑的外壳里,不与人交往。the weight of his insecurities意思是不安全感形成的重担。 However, one’s life isn’t defined by these when faced with a particular set of circumstances. The best thing to do is accept them and act within the context. “然而,在特定情况发生时,人生不再受到这些因素限制。不妨接受它们,随机应变。”这一段话承上启下,暗示转折点即将到来。 For Simon, the particular was music, which brought him endless strength. When Simon played the piano, he could feel that every change in tone and rhythm created colorful sounds. The music came alive with soft and loud keys. For a boy with a sharp sense of hearing, these details transformed the performance into an emotionally charged experience. 对于Simon,音乐就是特定情况,音乐就是转机。声音有色彩吗?colorful sounds是不是很文学。charge有充电的意思,也可以指充满某种情绪。an emotionally charged experience意思是一种充满情感的体验。 One day in a music class, the whole class were listening to a piano piece while checking the notes in the music textbooks. Simon’s eyes were shining bright as he listened to the different instruments blend together. Suddenly, he frowned his brows. He quickly bent over the music textbook, searched through the lines in his music textbook and then pointed to a certain note. He caught a mistake. He looked in the teacher’s direction, wanting to say something, but then hesitated. He bit his li ... ...

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