ID: 21796112


日期:2024-11-22 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:52次 大小:33433488B 来源:二一课件通
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    Where d thee 2024年秋学期期中考试 A.To Qingdao. B.To Zibo C To Sinzn. 听部?段树料,回答第8,9题. 高二英语 8.How old is the Unted Naticns in A.83 years old B.79 years pld. C.4月years old. 注意事项: .Wicthe winghe L容题前,考生务必将白已的姓名、考生号,考妈号蜜位号填写本答德卡上: Singingthe schosn B Doing aluntaryr C.Having a food festival. 之回咨法择风时,达日可小圆斧案后,川销笔把容《卡上对应但的咨案起号态 架。如需改动用家皮案干净后,号达涂其挂容案长标耳。日浓非选怀适时,将答类写任 听第8段材料,回答第10至12家。 答旺卡上。写在本试学上无效。 1o.What will the s球eakero this的 8考试结束后,将木试卷和答题卡一并交回。 A.Co sbopping. B.Soe a plsy. C.Go on a picnie 1.ha:is thes atridetoking their d inTava 第一部分听力!共丙节,满分0分》 A.Scurod. 3 Urcertsin. C.Negative 做图时,先将容案标在试瓷上·*音内客结束后,你将有两分冲时同将演谷上的终案疗 2.Why do the apkerse frieds 涂到芒粉卡上. play iontball tere.B Ta play vulleyball there. C.Ta share delicious food. 第一节〔共5小题:每小遮1.5分,演分7.5分 听下而5段对话。每原对话后有一个小逸,从区中所治的AB.C三个选所沈出最法 听帮9段对林间答第3至6思。 诊 项、听完每段对话后,你祝有10秒钟的时何文同答有关小区和臣读下小短,年:对话区读 13.Whcre cces the man lan to volmteer 一。 A.In Beiing. BIn Washingtun. C.In Utah. 到:How much is the shir 14.What daes the man aope to d as volnteer A£19.15 B Cs.1s. .£2.l5. A.Tench in primary sehooL 2 密案是C B.Protert sca ariisle. 1.Where did the wornan go ysterday A.'To her sister's hause. 或Te the i'sgue. C.To the hoepitzl. C.Protee:desert wildlifc, 显 2.Wbet ig the relstionghip between the speakers 15.How many tiues hns the woman velunteered A.Boss and secretary. 长.Testiwr and stcde. C.Mother ard srn. A.Once. B.Twive. C.Three times. 3.Wher will the speskere go to sce the play 16.When will the man finish bis voluntary wark A.On Sunday. B.On Sstudny. CCa Fridsy. 浓 A.On Jimne 30th next year. should白emp 月n Decerber 18iiso1r. A.Have a pood rest. B.Take same medicine C Rpceive snt oparatian. C.On October lst this year. 5.How do the gir.feel sbout the exam tocnorrow A.Nervaus. B.C「2 C.Con:ident. 听第10登材料,回密第17主我题 第二节〔共5小题:胡小图1.5分,演分咒.5安) 17.What did the sperker tu laat Sunday 听下面5趾对话或组白。每登对活或往白后有1个小丽,从整中所给的A,已.心三个选项 A.He saved a moterbike driver by chsne. 中选巴t佳选项。听每要对话或如白就,你将有压间阅该名个小题,每小夏5秒计听完后各 D.He went shsppiug in a supermarker. 小图将始出5沙计的体答时叫、奇段对话或迎白卖院当, He viaited a motorhike driver in hospatsl. 听第s段材料,回罗蕊6.”题 6.What are tho speakers doing 18.Huwd走d the s那aker go to kospil ¥ A.Sharing theor travel expericnces A.By taxi. B By motorbike. C.By anbulance. B.Discussing travel an the pbure. 19.Who pid for tae mdicine C Talxing haut Shancg hiatry. A.The speaker himsel B The motorbike driver C.The speaker's friend. 【高二死语部1内1共13项】 【,二关语第名瓦!共10瓦】 Bl.2024年秋学期期中考试 高二英语参考答案 听力部分录音材料 听力部分。该部分 ... ...

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