高中英语读后续写中常用的环境描写示例 一、晴朗美好的环境 1. 天空相关描写: The sky was a clear expanse of blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily across like cotton balls.(天空湛蓝无垠,点缀着朵朵蓬松的白云,它们像棉花球一般慵懒地飘过。) The bright sun hung high in the cloudless sky, pouring down its warm rays like a friendly embrace.(明亮的太阳高悬在无云的天空中,洒下温暖的光线,宛如友好的拥抱。) 2. 自然景色描写: The meadow was a carpet of green, sprinkled with colorful wildflowers that swayed gently in the breeze, filling the air with their sweet fragrance.(草地像一块绿色的地毯,上面点缀着五颜六色的野花,它们在微风中轻轻摇曳,空气中弥漫着甜美的芬芳。) The trees along the path stood tall and proud, their branches covered with fresh green leaves that rustled softly in the gentle wind, as if whispering secrets to each other.(小路两旁的树木高大挺拔,树枝上挂满了嫩绿的新叶,它们在微风中沙沙作响,仿佛在互相诉说着秘密。) The lake glistened like a mirror in the sunlight, its calm surface reflecting the surrounding mountains and the blue sky above. A few ducks swam leisurely across it, leaving ripples in their wake.(湖水在阳光下如镜子般闪闪发光,平静的湖面倒映着周围的山峦和上方湛蓝的天空。几只鸭子悠闲地游过湖面,身后留下一道道涟漪。) 二、阴沉压抑的环境 1. 天空相关描写: The sky was overcast with dark, heavy clouds that seemed to press down on the earth, blocking out the sunlight and casting a gloomy pall over everything.(天空布满了阴沉、厚重的乌云,它们似乎要压向大地,遮住了阳光,给一切都蒙上了一层阴郁的阴影。) Gray clouds hung low in the sky, like a dreary curtain that heralded an approaching storm. The air was thick and still, filled with a sense of foreboding.(灰色的云朵低低地悬在天空中,就像一道沉闷的帷幕,预示着一场即将来临的暴风雨。空气沉闷而静止,充满了不祥的预感。) 2. 自然景色描写: The forest was dark and silent, the trees standing like gloomy sentinels. The fallen leaves on the ground were wet and muddy, squelching underfoot as if they were sighing with sadness.(森林阴暗寂静,树木像忧郁的哨兵般伫立着。地上的落叶又湿又泥泞,在脚下嘎吱作响,仿佛在悲伤地叹息。) The wind howled through the empty streets, blowing bits of debris around. The houses on either side looked desolate, their windows like vacant eyes staring into the emptiness.(风在空荡荡的街道上呼啸而过,吹得杂物四处乱飞。街道两旁的房屋看上去十分荒凉,窗户就像空洞的眼睛凝视着虚空。) The old cemetery was shrouded in mist, the gravestones halfhidden in the hazy vapor. The air was cold and damp, carrying an eerie chill that made one's skin crawl.(古老的墓地笼罩在薄雾之中,墓碑半掩在朦胧的水汽里。空气寒冷潮湿,透着一种怪异的寒意,让人不禁起鸡皮疙瘩。) 三、夜晚的环境 1. 天空相关描写: The night sky was a canopy of countless stars, twinkling like diamonds against the inky blackness. The moon, a silvery crescent, hung low in the sky, casting a soft glow over the landscape.(夜空宛如一张布满无数星星的华盖,它们在漆黑的天幕下像钻石般闪烁。一弯银色的新月低挂在天 ... ...
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