ID: 21818152

人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 5 Languages Around the World Listening and Talking课件(共20张,内嵌音视频)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:53次 大小:53667560B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Languages around the world Listening and Talking English The United Kingdom List the name of the country and the language. America English France French Canada English\French Japan Japanese India Hindi/ English Russia Russian Australia English Conversation 1 : B: Do you want to eat some sweets ? A: Oh,do you mean candy ? I would like some sweet candy. B: Would you like to see my flat ? A: I'm sorry , what does a flat mean B: Well , it means apartment in American English . A:Oh,I see .Let's go ! Differences between BrE & AmE B: British English A: American English Conversation 2 : B:Hey , let's go to see a soccer game . It is very exciting! A:I beg your pardon. (请再说一次) B:A soccer game . A:Does that mean a football match B:Oh , yes ! A:Great ! I like it very much . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Role -play Differences between BrE & AmE a football match a soccer game Words colour color Spelling sweet candy flat apartment honour honor mum mom u u o u Differences between BrE & AmE dance[dɑ ns] dance[d ns] tomato [t mɑ t ] tomato [t meto] Pronunciation BrE AmE petrol gas sweet candy toilet restroom flat apartment subway underground film movie BrE AmE honour honor mum mom colour color theatre theater centre center BrE AmE dance dance tomato tomato water [ w t (r)] water [ wɑt ] ask[ɑ sk] ask[ sk] Words Spelling Pronunciation Make a conversation Choose one or two pairs of words and make a conversation . The expressions below may help you . Do you mean ... Does that mean .. I'm sorry. What does...mean I'm sorry .Would you mind repeating ... I beg your pardon. So am I right in saying ... So what you're really saying is ...? Asking for clarification (请对方进一步说明) Listen and think Listen to the first part of the talk. What are the different kinds of English mentioned 1 British English American English Australian English There are many different kinds of English around the world,_____, and and many others. A. American English B. British English C. Indian English D. Australian English Listen to the second part of the talk. What are the two pairs of words that the student is confused by Tick them in the boxes. Listen and tick Listen to the second part of the talk. What are the two pairs of words that the student is confused by Tick them in the boxes. 2 semester/term restroom/toilet subway/underground gas/petrol Look at the pairs of words below. Which words are British English and which are American English Look and think Look at the pairs of words below. Which words are British English and which are American English 3 BrE AmE Try to think of more pairs of words like these. B: lorry A: truck B: ground floor A: first floor B: motorway A: expressway B: pavement A: sidewalk Think and talk 3 Besides pronunciations and use of different words, do you know any other differences between British and American English British English American English summarise metre colour labelled summari ... ...

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