ID: 21833614

人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters Reading for Writing课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:30次 大小:12608323B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit4 Natural Disasters Reading for Writing Can you think of any other natural disasters Do you know these natural disasters tornado drought landslide tsunami flood wildfire volcanic eruption earthquake tornado drought landslide tsunami flood wildfire volcanic eruption Watch and Say What natural disaster happened in the picture terrible dangerous Read for structure 1. Skim the news report and work out the structure. headline reporter date lead body end Structure of a news report headline lead body end the most important to the least important Tell the readers the content directly The most important part Usually cover 5W&H Use details, facts, examples, data, etc. Effect Future tendency Read for main idea 2. Read the news report and find the main idea of each paragraph. What happened Where did it happen When did it happen Why did it happen Who were killed Main idea: A tsunami caused by a strong earthquake killed more than 6,500 people in Southeast Asia on 26 December 2004. (para. 1) Read for main idea (para. 2) Main idea: More than 6,500 people were dead and missing. The number of the dead and the missing is 6597(>6500) Read for main idea Main idea: The number of the dead and missing is likely to increase, and it is difficult for rescue workers to deliver food and supplies. Possible effects and future tendency of the event. (para. 3) Para.1 Para.3 Para.2 Serious damage to South Asia The following effect and the rescue The tsunami caused by an earthquake and its damage Read and match Tips for finding main ideas: Pay attention to the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Ignore the examples or deatils. Read the lead carefully and find out 5W’s. The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed into coastlines across Asia yesterday, killing more than 6,500 people in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and at least four other countries. why what where when who While Reading Read the body. P54 (the rest of para1 and para2) 2.What is the number of deaths in Indonesia’s Sumatra Island, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand 1.Who was the victim(受害者) Fisherman, tourist and the locals. date time place event cause effect following events I nclude all the key points. C ut unnecessary details. U se your own words. Read the summary and check the main points it includes. Before Writing Get to know a summary. 概要写作的阅读材料词数一般为300左右。写作要求考生在对原文阅读后根据其内容写出一篇约60词的内容概要。概要所用语句既要用词准确,结构合理,语义连贯,不得抄写原文,又要能完全概括出文章的中心大意。 While Writing Please write a summary for the text on Page 50. While Writing Organize the ideas and draft your summary. Sample Writing For several days, something strange occurred in the countryside of northeastern Hebei. In the early morning, on 28 July, 1976, an earthquake hit Tangshan, which was seriously affected and nearly destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of people wer ... ...

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