ID: 21833700

人教版(2019) 必修第一册 Welcome unit Reading and Thinking课件(共17张)

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:46次 大小:13188931B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome Unit 人教版(2019)必修一 Reading and Thinking Describe your first senior high school day By the end of this section, you will be able to: express your feelings with proper adjectives; read for details from the text messages about a student’s first day at school; summarize the text messages by filling in a schedule; describe your first day of senior high school; learn some new words and expressions in context. Learning objectives 开心的;快乐的 happy 伤心的 sad 好奇的 curious 喜悦的;愉悦的 joyful 沮丧的;失落的 upset 焦虑的 anxious 喜悦的;开心的 amused 沮丧的;抑郁的 depressed 紧张的 nervous 欢快的;高兴的 cheerful 忧伤的 blue 担忧的 worried 欣喜的;惬意的 delighted 悲伤到哽咽 lump in one’s throat 忧心忡忡 sick to one’s stomach 满意的;满足的 pleased 愁眉苦脸 wear a long face 害怕的 frightened 兴奋的;激动的 excited 心情特别难受 down in the dumps 害怕得瑟瑟发抖 shake with fears 兴奋的;极其激动的 thrilled 生气的;恼怒的 annoyed 尴尬的 awkward 欣喜若狂的 wild with joy 生气的 angry 感到尴尬的 embarrassed 开心得不得了 on top of the world 恼怒的 irritated 感到羞耻的 ashamed 喜极而泣 weep with joy 极其恼怒的 furious 想家的 homesick 用来表达“情绪”的形容词和短语,你知道多少? How did you feel on your first day of senior high school Why anxious/nervous awkward/embarrassed frightened/amazed happy angry/annoyed what else I felt excited/happy/nervous... because... /for the reason that... Compare the two texts for similarities and differences Where’s the text probably taken from comments a diary a social media app BBG15 TB4 Compare the two texts for similarities and differences What’s the language style used in the text written / formal English spoken / informal English 终于来了! Compare the two texts for similarities and differences What’s the text type / genre description narration exposition argumentation √ √ Compare the two texts for similarities and differences What’s the narrative order in chronological order (顺序) (how things happened and developed) (clearly) in time order Compare the two texts for similarities and differences What’s the text mainly about places / events + feelings places / events + feelings Detail reading Identify the change of Han Jing’s feelings (why ) Mood Time High Down 7:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:32 p.m. 10:29 p.m. before school after math class during chemistry class back home anxious happy / delighted annoyed relieved / confident not outgoing; unsure whether he could make a good first impression and make friends find teachers and classmates friendly and helpful disturbed by a guy who kept talking to me not awkward or frightened at all; a lot to explore; confident about tomorrow Read the text again and discuss the questions. 1. Why did Han Jing feel anxious before school 2. How was her first maths class 3. What happened in the chemistry class What would you do if this happened to you 4. What did Han Jing learn from her first day at senior high ... ...

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