ID: 21854649


日期:2024-12-23 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:10次 大小:44017B 来源:二一课件通
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2024-2025学年高三上学期英语七选五练习 第一篇 Any time of the day you can commit to exercising is a good time for getting active. The best time for exercise is different for each person. 1 Here are some tips to help you. Determine your most energetic time. You may be a night owl and never get to bed before midnight, struggling to get out of the bed in the morning. If you’re such a person, don’t schedule early works. You’ll likely hit snooze. Sacrificing sleep for workouts can lead to poor performance and make it hard to form a routine. 2 Consider your daily schedule. How do you schedule your most important tasks Some people would prefer to get them out of the way first thing, while others prefer to put them off until the end of the day. 3 However, an evening exercise could be more suitable when your mornings are too busy and you struggle to leave on time. 4 Your house offers the most flexible time options when you own fitness equipment. Having a gym down the street or along the route home from work also makes it convenient to fit in a workout. Determine your exercise goals. Are you trying to develop a consistent exercise routine, improve your performance, or lose weight 5 Afternoon or evening exercise can enhance your performance. As for losing weight, it may be better to exercise in the morning before you have eaten. A.Take the location into account. B.Think about your daily activities. C.Exercise in the morning helps develop a routine. D.In short, put exercise as the top priority in your daily schedule. E.Thus, you’d better establish your sleep tendencies beforehand. F.You can determine that by considering lifestyle and exercise goals. G.It’s advisable to do morning workout with numerous after- work activities. 第二篇 Studies have shown that physical activity can improve mental alertness and cognitive function. Your brain works better and you can think more clearly after exercising. 6 If you are looking for a way to boost your studying, try incorporating daily exercise into your routine. Try light exercise while you study. A few studies have shown that performing light exercise while studying can help recall of information. These studies found that vigorous exercise while studying may hurt recall because your brain is focused on the workout instead of the information. 7 You can use the stationary bike while you study for at least half an hour, making sure to keep the intensity light. Exercise at your desk. You can get your blood pumping at your desk while you study. If you don’t want to leave everything and go for a quick 15-minute stroll, try getting some physical activity in where you are. Do some chair squats at your desk. 8 Hover just above the chair for about 10 seconds. Repeat this 20 times. Take a walk on breaks. If you are studying in the library, break up your study sessions with physical activity. 9 You can also do this if you are studying in your dorm or a coffee shop. Taking a break helps refresh yourself and gets blood ... ...

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