ID: 21868534

人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册 语料积累 续写提能(答案+课件,共5份)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:34次 大小:5317625B 来源:二一课件通
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    教材语料积累 词汇 情感描写 stun vt.使震惊;使昏迷→stunned adj.目瞪口呆的 guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的→guilt n.内疚→guiltily adv.内疚地 urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动 人物描写 pace n.速度;步伐;节奏vt.& vi.确定速度;调整节奏 declare vt.表明;宣称;公布 blurred adj.模糊不清的;难以区分的→blur v.(使)变得模糊不清;(使)视线模糊 explode vi.& vt.爆炸;爆破→explosion n.爆炸;(感情)爆发;激增 conflict with与……冲突或抵触 句型 1.She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page.(动作描写) 2.She screamed,pushed him away,and ran to her room.(动作描写) 3.At that moment,Tony took her in his arms,bringing his face close to hers.(动作描写) 4.I had a strong urge to look at the random things that were being flashed before my eyes!(心理描写) 续写语料运用 请从以上语料中选择合适的词汇,完成以下语段,然后核对答案并背诵该语段。 当我得知我儿子和他的同学发生冲突时,我勃然大怒。他是如此委屈和惊愕以至于他站在那里一动不动,泪水模糊了他的双眼。知道我的儿子不该受责备后,我内疚地在房间里来回踱步。我非常渴望得到儿子的原谅。我向儿子的卧室走去,敲门,然后大步走进去,宣布我不会再像这样对待他了。 When I learned that 1. ,I 2. .So aggrieved and 3. was he that he stood rooted to the spot,4. .After knowing that my son was not to blame,I 5. .I 6. .I headed for my son’s bedroom,knocked at the door and strode into the room,7. . 答案精析 son conflicted with his classmate 2.exploded with anger 3.stunned 4.with tears blurring his eyes 5.paced around the room guiltily 6.had a strong urge to gain my son’s forgiveness 7.declaring that I wouldn’t treat him like this again(课件网) 读后续写 语料积累 续写提能 Science fiction Unit 1 教材语料积累 词汇 情感描写 stun vt.使震惊;使昏迷→stunned adj.目瞪口呆的 guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的→guilt n.内疚→ guiltily adv.内疚地 urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动 人物描写 pace n.速度;步伐;节奏vt.& vi.确定速度;调整节奏 declare vt.表明;宣称;公布 blurred adj.模糊不清的;难以区分的→blur v.(使)变得模糊不清;(使)视线模糊 explode vi.& vt.爆炸;爆破→explosion n.爆炸;(感情)爆发;激增 conflict with与……冲突或抵触 句型 1.She looked at his fingers with wonder as they turned each page.(动作描写) 2.She screamed,pushed him away,and ran to her room.(动作描写) 3.At that moment,Tony took her in his arms,bringing his face close to hers.(动作描写) 4.I had a strong urge to look at the random things that were being flashed before my eyes!(心理描写) When I learned that 1. ,I 2._____.So aggrieved and 3._____ was he that he stood rooted to the spot,4._____. 续写语料运用 请从以上语料中选择合适的词汇,完成以下语段,然后核对答案并背诵该语段。 当我得知我儿子和他的同学发生冲突时,我勃然大怒。他是如此委屈和惊愕以至于他站在那里一动不动,泪水模糊了他的双眼。 my son conflicted with his classmate exploded with anger stunned with tears blurring his eyes 知道我的儿子不该受责备后,我内疚地在房间里来回踱步。我非常渴望得到儿子的原谅。我向儿子的卧室走去,敲门,然后大步走进去,宣布我不 ... ...

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