ID: 21881394

人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration Reading and Thinking课件(共28张,内嵌视频)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:55次 大小:34912763B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit3 Sea Exploration reading and thinking The world can be so small, why technology and internet the development of transportation Nowadays,it is technology and the internet that make the world so small and bring us closer. The world can be so big, why North America South America Europe Africa Asia Australia India ocean Atalantic ocean Arctic ocean Pacific ocean Pacific ocean Antartic ocean many islands and oceans In ancient times, there were so many unknown islands and oceans for ancient people. To know the world better,they need to reach out Do you know any stories about sea voyages why how what who Reaching out across the sea Fast reading 1.Look at the title and skim the text. Decide what type of essay it is What type of essay is it 1. Narrative 2. Descriptive 3. Expository 4. Argumentative √ Reaching out across the sea 2.Skim the text and match the time and events. 751-762 1405-1433 1275-1295 1492-1502 Marco Polo,China Coulumbus,America Duhuan,North Africa ZhengHe,India Ocean/Africa Time Events (Who,where) How is the passage developed time 1 The past time 2 The present time 3 The future development carefulreading 1 The past time(1-3) Answer questions 1.What's the foundation of mankind's achievements B.curiosity C.A and B Answer questions 2.Whatinspired European explorers to search for sea routes A.Marco Polo's tales B.Their ancestors ' achievements C.Columbus's tales Answer questions 3. How many places did the silk road pass through A free talk do Is the silk road good for these countries along the road very good reasons 1 2 3 4 trade deals Benefits of the silk road cultural exchange friendship/relations goods: silk/gold/spices China other countries 2 The present time(4-5) The ancient silk road lay a foundation on present exploration, which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative . The Belt and Road Initiative The Belt and Road Initiative "Winds and waves stop sometimes, hoisting the sails to travel in the vast sea. " 长风破浪终有时,直挂云帆济沧海 3 The future development(6) What makes China continue to reach out across the sea the need to trade the desire to enhance the bonds China the world The future development What will happen to sea exploration in the future Thinking Is sea exploration a good thing or a bad thing Why A good thing A bad thing economy cooperation connections ..... difficulty conflicts .... China never stops exploring! China cooperates with other countries to promote mutual benefits and win-win development. To build a community with a shared future for mankind. conclusions 点击此处添加描述文字 点击此处添加描述文字 Homework Please write a short passage about the future of China's sea exploration. Thanks for listening!

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