ID: 21888345

北师大版(2019)必修 第一册Unit 2 Sports and fitness Period 3 Vocabulary教学课件(共24张,内嵌音频)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:88次 大小:34485966B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 北师大版 必修一 Unit 2 Sports and fitness Period 3 Vocabulary open your shoulders stretch your upper body Warm-up stand on your left leg keep your balance change to the other leg stretch your left/right-side body Learning objectives: By the end of the class, you will be able to: talk about the advantages of doing sports using words such as benefit, equipment, relief, cheer up, prevent, strengthen, immune system; learn new words with specific strategies such as word formation, inferring from the context, lexical chunks and mind maps; develop a positive attitude to sports and embrace a healthy lifestyle. 2012 2022 fitter healthier stronger Because of sports, I have become _____. more confident benefit(s) Hi Jeremy, Thanks for your question. As people often say, any exercise is better than none, but long-distance running in particular has a lot of benefits. It is a great sport for beginners -- you do not need a gym membership or any special (1)equipment. Just a pair of good running shoes will do. Then, keep it up. There is also no better way to know yourself and to see what you are capable of. You are also somebody who worries about getting sick. Running will help you get fit and (2)prevent diseases. It will give you good upper and lower body strength. Like any exercise, running increases the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. It makes your heart stronger and allows more blood to flow around your body. It also strengthens your (3)immune system and reduces the risk of serious health problems, as well as more common illnesses like colds. Besides, anybody who is feeling down can go for a run to (4)cheer themselves up. Even a thirty-minute run will provide (5)relief from aches or tension that you may be suffering due to stress. Activity 1. Read and guess the meaning of the underlined words. eg: It is a great sport for beginners -- you do not need a gym membership or any special equipment. Just a pair of good running shoes will do. equipment: tools that are needed for a certain purpose or activity You are also somebody who worries about getting sick. Running will help you get fit and prevent diseases. Besides, anybody who is feeling down can go for a run to cheer themselves up. It also strengthens your immune system and reduces the risk of serious health problems. Even a thirty-minute run will provide relief from aches or tension that you may be suffering due to stress. Pair work prevent: to stop somebody from doing something or stop something from happening cheer up: to stop feeling upset and start to feel happier immune system: the system in your body to help fight against diseases relief: the feeling of happiness and relaxation after something painful or unhappy is no longer happening. Learning tip 1 Infer(推测) the meaning from the context(上下文) according to expressions with similar or opposite meanings. It will give you good upper and lower body strength. It makes your heart str ... ...

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