ID: 21897024

Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Reading and Thinking课件(共21张2024-2025学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:67次 大小:18411969B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) UNIT 3 FASCINATING PARKS A national park is not a playground. It’s a sanctuary for nature and for humans who will accept nature on nature’s own terms. —Michael Frome Activity1. Lead in What is a park What is a theme park Activity 1. Lead in What is a park What is a theme park Shanghai Disney Resort 上海迪士尼乐园 Lead in Universal Beijing Resort 北京环球影城 Chimelong Ocean Kingdom 长隆海洋王国 What is a park What is a theme park A park is a place which provides people with amusement and relaxation. A theme park is a park which has a special theme such as oceans, animals, and plants. Have you ever been to parks What kinds of activities do you do in a park parks enjoy the view have a rest play games have a picnic take exercise chat with friends … What kinds of parks have you been to What were they like I have been to city parks. City parks are outdoor places where people relax. When you think of national parks, what comes to mind first When I think of national parks, I think of places of extreme natural beauty, usually far away from any city. Sarek NationaPark Sarek NationaPark 萨勒克国家公园(Sarek NationaPark)位于瑞典只北部的北博滕省,是斯堪的纳维亚山脉的一部分。这个国家公园以其壮丽的自然风光和丰富的生物多样性而闻名,是徒步旅行者和登山者的天堂。 自然环境 萨勒克国家公园园拥有100座冰川和6座山峰,其中13座山峰的海拔超过2000米公园内的山脉一般都在1800米以上,环境优美,保持着原有的自然生态。这里的自然风貌美丽迷人,重峦叠嶂,是登山者和徒步者的理想目的地。 step2. Read the passage and find out the main idea. Can you guess what the passage is mainly about A. The Arctic Circle. B. The Sami people. C. The reindeer. D. A fascinating park. 1.Skim the text and match the subheadings with the paragraphs. A Summer Where the Sun Never Sleeps A Land of Mountains and Ice Man at Peace with Nature A Land of Adventure Good subheadings catch the reader’s eye and make him or her want to read more. Working out the idea behind the subheadings can help you better understand the structure and the key points of the text. step2. Activity2. Read the text and decide whether the statements are true (T)or false (F). 1. The writer feels it hard to tell whether it ismorning or night in Sarek National Park.( ) 2. The Sami people arrived at the park beforethe reindeer.( ) 3. Nobody but the Sami is allowed to live inthe park.( ) 4. Today only a small number of Sami breakaway from their traditional way of living.( ) 5.The writer complains a lot about hikingover the difficult land.( ) T F T F F Activity2. Read the passage carefully and choose thecorrect answers. 1. How many hours a day does the sun shine insummer in Sarek A.8 hours. B. 12 hours. C. 16 hours. D.24 hours .1. What can be learned about Sarek NationaPark from paragraph l A, The wind there is strong and fierce. B. The sun there never sets whatever the season is. C. It is modern with public transportation. D. It is to the south of the Arctic Circle. 2.The Swedi ... ...

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