ID: 21915721


日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:77次 大小:21263B 来源:二一课件通
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高三英语培优外刊阅读 班级:_____学号:_____姓名:_____ 外刊精选|亚洲第一位诺奖女作家,为什么是她? 10月10日,2024年诺贝尔文学奖颁发给了“70后”韩国女作家韩江。她是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的亚洲女性,也是第二年轻的诺贝尔文学奖女性得主,纪录仅次于1938年的赛珍珠。韩江的文笔细腻而冷峻,善于巧妙地运用植物和动物等意象,来隐喻人物心理和现实生活。她获得诺奖的理由是什么?她的作品究竟有什么独特的魅力? Han Kang Is Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature By Alex Marshall and Alexandra Alter Han Kang, the South Korean author best known for her surreal, subversive novel, "The Vegetarian," was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday—the first writer from her country to receive the award. "The Vegetarian" centers on a depressed housewife who shocks her family when she stops eating meat; later, she stops eating altogether and yearns to turn into a tree that can live off sunlight alone. Han, 53, was born in 1970 in Gwangju, South Korea. The family struggled financially and moved frequently. In a 2016 interview, Han said her upbringing "was too much for a little child, but I was all right because I was surrounded by books." When Han was 9, her family moved to Seoul just months before the Gwangju uprising. The event shaped her views on humanity's capacity for violence. "It was like two unsolvable riddles imprinted on my mind: How can humans be so violent, and how can humans be so sublime " she said. "When I write novels, I find myself always returning to the theme of what it means to be human." Some scholars and translators said it was fitting that the first Korean writer to win a Nobel is a woman. Much of the most groundbreaking and provocative contemporary Korean literature is being written by female novelists, including some who are challenging and exposing misogyny and the burdens that are placed on women in South Korea. 【词汇过关】 请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。 1.surreal 英 [s r l] 美 [s ri l] adj. _____ 2.subversive 英 [s b v s v] 美 [s b v r s v] adj. _____ 3.altogether 英 [ lt ɡe ] 美 [ ɑ lt ɡe r] adv. _____ 4.upbringing 英 [ p br ] 美 [ p br ] n. _____ 5.capacity 英 [k p s ti] 美 [k p s ti] n. _____ 6.riddle 英 [ r dl] 美 [ r dl] n. _____ 7.imprint 英 [ m pr nt] 美 [ m pr nt] v. _____ 8.sublime 英 [s bla m] 美 [s bla m] adj._____ 9.provocative 英 [pr v k t v] 美 [pr vɑ k t v] adj. _____ 10.misogyny 英 [m s d ni] 美 [m sɑ d ni] n. _____ 11.groundbreaking 英 [ ɡra nd bre k ] 美 [ ɡra nd bre k ] adj._____ 【词块学习】 请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。 1._____ 被授予(……奖项) 2._____ 以……为主题、中心来展开 3._____ 渴望做…… 4._____ 渴望...... 5._____ 对自由的渴求 6._____ 靠……过活 7._____ 靠父母养活 8._____ 严厉的教育 9._____ 快乐教养 10._____ 对某人来说,某事过分困难、令人痛苦 11._____ 解开......的谜题 12._____ 未解之谜 13._____ 极致之美 14._____ 人类的本质究竟意味着什么 15._____ 究竟什么才是真正的领袖 16._____ 什么才是真正的善良 17._____ 理应、应当…… 18._____ 故意挑衅的评论 拓展练习阅读理解 I worked with Frank who was kind, b ... ...

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