英语阅读理解干扰项设置的10大原则 讲义 在英语阅读理解考试中,干扰项往往是学生失分的“隐形杀手”。它们看起来合情合理,但却隐藏着细微的陷阱。通过理解干扰项设置的规律,考生可以提高解题效率,避免被这些干扰项误导。本文将详细分析英语阅读理解中的10大干扰项设置原则,并通过具体例子帮助你轻松掌握解题技巧。 01 包含项原则 定义: 包含项原则是指某个选项的内容能够涵盖其他选项的所有或大部分内容,通常这个选项就是正确答案。其他选项通常只描述了部分内容或是局部情况。 例子1 段落: Living in a residence hall carries certain obligations. You have to be considerate of others, especially during study hours. Telephone calls and visits by friends should be short. You have to cooperate in keeping the room as sanitary as possible. It is sometimes hard to be tolerant of another person’s habits that may differ from your own. 问题: What must you learn to be tolerant of if you live in a dormitory A. Your roommate’s telephone calls B. Habits that may differ from your own C. Visits by your roommate’s friends D. Roommates who are unsanitary 解析: 选项B“Habits that may differ from your own”是正确答案,因为它概括了A、C、D选项中的具体情况。文章中提到,“It is sometimes hard to be tolerant of another person’s habits that may differ from your own”明确指出,宿舍生活中最需要容忍的就是与他人不同的生活习惯,而这些习惯可能包括电话、朋友来访、卫生等具体方面。 例子2 段落: The main problem is that our neighboring worlds appear to be unsuitable for advanced life forms. The moon may be the case first; it has hardly any atmosphere. Venus is little better, but the surface's temperature is very high. Mars, with a thin atmosphere and little water, cannot support the living necessities of animals. 问题: There is unlikely any life on Venus because_____. A. it has very thin atmosphere B. the surface temperature is too hot C. the weather is too cold D. it is extremely short of water 解析: 选项B“the surface temperature is too hot”是正确答案,因为文中明确指出,“the surface's temperature is very high”,即温度过高是Venus不适宜生命的主要原因。 02 正反项原则 定义: 正反项原则指的是两个选项之间的内容互为对立,且相互矛盾。根据逻辑学原理,两个相互矛盾的命题中必有一个是正确的。因此,在面对正反项时,我们通常可以排除其他选项,直接在正反项中选择正确答案。 例子1 段落: They feel they are poor listeners when they think about something else while the other is talking or when they are tired, or not interested in what she or he is talking about. Most people listen only with their ears. 问题: According to the passage, listening only with ears may happen to us when_____. A. we are emotionally tired B. we are physically disabled C. we are so interested in the topic D. we are asked many questions 解析: 在这个例子中,选项A和选项C互为正反项。选项A表明“我们在情绪疲倦时会变得只用耳朵听”,而选项C则说“我们在对话题感兴趣时会专心听”。从段落中提到的内容来看,“They feel they are poor listeners when they think about something else while the other is talking or when they are tired”强调了“疲倦”或“不感兴趣”时才会 ... ...
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