(课件网) SectonA 3a-3d Unit7 Happy birthday 目录 Lead-in Grammar Exercises Homework 1 2 3 4 Lead-in PART ONE Watch a video and answer the questions 1.Who is birthday coming 2.What does she prepare for a special birthday Anna A birthday cake. Let’s design the birthday card Do you know how to ask these problems Name Age Date Place Time Food Name Have a discussion: How to ask these questions What’s your name ? Age How old are you Date When is your birthday party Place Have a discussion: How to ask these questions Where is your birthday party ? Time When is your birthday Food What do you prepare for birthday party What is your name ? How old are you When is your birthday party Where is your birthday party ? When is your birthday What do you prepare for birthday party Can you find the similar strcture in these sentences ? Wh-questions Grammar PART TWO Have a discussion 什么是特殊疑问句 ? 常见的特殊疑问词有哪些 ? 特殊疑问句一般用什么语调 ? 特殊疑问句的句子结构是什么 ? 3a Read the sentences. Circle the question words. When is your birthday It’s on 2nd August. How old are you I’m 12. What do you want to do on her birthday I want to sing a song for her. How much are those oranges Six yuan a kilo. How many kilos do you want I want five kilos. Can you find the Wh-questions signs? 1.什么是特殊疑问句 ? 特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开头的以寻求信息为 目的的疑问句。 When is your birthday 特殊疑问词 常见的特殊疑问词有哪些 ? When How old What How much How many 特殊疑问词(组)的用法 特殊疑问词(组) 含义 询问对象 what who why how when 什么 事物 谁 人 为什么 原因 怎样;如何 方式、程度 什么时候 时间 特殊疑问词(组) 含义 询问对象 where what colour how much how many/ much how old 在哪里 地点 什么颜色 颜色 多少钱 价格 多少 数量 多大年纪 年龄 Can you summarize the sentence structure of wh-questions When is your birthday How old are you What do you want to do on her birthday How many kilos do you want How much are those oranges 2.特殊疑问句的句子结构 1.Who is your English teacher? 2.Why do you like the book? 谓语动词 其他部分 特殊疑问词(组) 特殊疑问词(组) 助动词/情态动词 主语 实义动词 其他部分 3.特殊疑问句, 回答时能用yes或no 吗? When is your birthday How old are you What do you want to do on her birthday How much are those oranges How many kilos do you want It’s on 2nd August. I’m 12. I want to sing a song for her. Six yuan a kilo. I want five kilos. 特殊疑问句, 回答时不能用yes或no Let’s read andNotice the intonation in each sentence A: Can I ask you some questions B: Sure. Go ahead. A: When is your birthday B: On 23rd July. A: Which year B: Every year. A: What do you always get on your birthday B: One year older. a rising tone a falling tone 4.特殊疑问句一般用_____语调 降调 5. 询问单数物品 How much is the/this + 单数名词 回答 It’s + 数额. 例句 — How much is the red T-shirt 这件红色的T恤衫多少钱 — It’s ten dollars. 十美元。 6. 询问复数物品 How much are the / these / those + 复数名词 回答 T ... ...