ID: 22512122

人教英语七下Unit 5【走进重点高中·拓展与培优·同步导学必刷卷】(含答案)

日期:2025-03-12 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:91次 大小:2862477B 来源:二一课件通
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    英语·七年级下册 C.Yes,she does D.No,she doesn't )23.A.going B.coming C.talking D.playing )11.-May I speak to Dr.Wang,please ( )24.A.little B.strong C.old D.heavy Unit5测试卷 25.A.movies B.books C.balls A.No,you may not Ⅲ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) (本卷满分:120分考试时间:120分钟) B.No,you can't. A 题号 V VI C.Certainly.Hold on,please 总分 It's Sunday afternoon.Toby is watching TV in the living D.Who are you room.He wants to play with his family outside.But he finds 得分 )12.Mary hopes the Great Wall in Beijing. they are all busy. visit B.visiting I.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) have 阅读下列各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳 D.having Mom is making dinner for the family ( )13.The road is wide enough for two cars to drive in the kitchen.The food smells 答案。 really good. ( )1.It's Dragon Boat Festival today.His dad and mom A.side by side by day are watching a on TV.It's so exciting! A.race B.juice D.voice C.year by year by one Timmy,Toby's brother,is a hard. )2.There are so many people over there.What )14.People can have many kinds of things as collections, working boy.He is studying for his coins,stamps and watches. big test on Monday in his room. happened happening A.for example B.instead of C.has happened D.was happened C.such as last Sarah,Toby's sister,is helping )3.-Listen! is beating our windows )15.Look at the picture.The trees are brown and the Dad carry()some boxes into the -Oh,no.It is the wind. girl the leaves. house. A.Nobody B.Somebody A.kicked B.kicks C.Anybody D.Everybody kicking D.will kick No one has time to play with Toby.Oh!Robert,the )4.The boy has big eyes and short hair.He Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分) family's pet dog,is lying()on the sofa."He wants to play looks smart. 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选 outside,too,"Toby thinks. A.light B.slim C.small D.bright 出一个最佳答案 )26.Where is Toby's mother ( )5.-What are they doing over there Laura is an eleven-year-old girl.She 16 New York A.In her room. B.In the kitchen. -They are the math problems. She has a 17 family.She lives in a big house with her C.Outside the house.D.In the living room A.getting on B.working on family.There are six people in her family.What are they )27.When does Toby's brother have a big test C.knocking on D.putting on doing now Laura's grandma is 18 tea in the living room. A.On Monday. B.On Wednesday ( )6.Everyone likes the singer.Her sounds She is eighty years old,but she is still very 19.Laura's C.On Thursday. D.On Sunday. beautiful. father is in the study. )28.What is Toby's father doing A.voice B.noise C.sound D.nose He is 20 the computer.Where is Laura's 21 A.He is watching TV. )7. you take care of my cat I'm going on a Oh!She is in her bedroom.She is reading a book.Who is the B.He is making dinner business trip. 22 on the sofa He is Laura's little brother.He is 23 C.He is lying on the sofa. -Of course.I love cats. with a ball.Like any other 24 boy,he likes ... ...

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