ID: 21995852

Unit 2 Let's celebrate! Starting out 课件(共27张,内嵌视频)外研版(2019)高中英语必修第二册

日期:2024-12-22 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:47次 大小:88767590B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Let's celebrate! Period 1 Starting out Get to know a famous novelist and figure out the reason for writing these letters. 1. Learn the basic elements of a book review by analyzing the structure of the passage. 2. Understand the meaning of festivals by further thinking of the title. To write a letter to recommend the book . Extended goal Challenging goal Fast reading Detailed reading writing time: recommendation letter Basic goal Learning Objectives 1. What festivals are mentioned in the video 2. Why do people celebrate these festivals Activity 1 1. What festivals are metioned in the video 2. Why do people celebrate these festivals _____ is to celebrate the harvest. _____ is to celebrate a season. _____ is to honour an event. _____ is to honour a person. Read the 4 festival descriptions on page13 and tell why people celebrate them Activity 2 _____ is to celebrate the harvest. _____ is to celebrate a season. _____ is to celebrate an event. _____ is to honour a person. Dragon Boat Festival Freedom Day Thanksgiving Day May Day Read the 4 festival descriptions on page13 and tell why people celebrate them What do you know about this festival Dragon Boat Festival celebrations take place in China on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. They are held in memory of Qu Yuan, a poet and statesman in Ancient China. It was the first traditional Chinese festival added to UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 联合国教科文组织 statesman: an important and experienced politician, especially one who is widely known and respected. Intangible Tangible Cultural Heritage (Material) (Non-material) museums places of interest Endangered language Traditional Music Living human treasures Oral heritage What do you know about this festival Thanksgiving is celebrated mainly in North America, in October or November. Traditionally, it was a chance to give thanks for a good harvest. Now, it is also a time for families to get together for a big dinner. What do you know about this festival May Day is a festival to celebrate the start of summer, with celebrations held across Europe and in parts of North America. People prepare decorations with flowers and dance around maypoles. maypole: decorated pole that people dance round in ceremonies on May Day What do you know about this festival Freedom Day is held every year on 27 April to celebrate South Africa’s fisrt fully-participated elections in 1994, in which everyone was allowed to vote regardless of skin colour. It celebrates the end of racial inequality in the country. Activity 3 Think about the reasons to celebrate festivals. to celebrate the harvest. to celebrate a season. to honour an event. to honour a person. … 1. Yes,I have. They are fantastic and full of imagination. Letters from Father Christmas the Real Father Christmas 1 2 4 3 the introduction of the book Match the main idea with each paragraph 5 the stories in the letters the letters of ... ...

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