课件网) Unit 2 Making a difference Learning Objectives 01 Learning Objectives 01 Grasp the key words, phrases and sentenses. 03 Through reading the article, students will learn about Ryan's approach and his love and care for the African children, and cultivate the character of being willing to help others. 02 Through fast reading and intensive reading, students can understand the content of the article and master different reading skills and methods. Interpret the pictures/quotations and comprehend the messages conveyed; analyse the content of the text to extract detailed information. Through reading the article, students will learn about Ryan's approach and his love and care for the African children, and cultivate the character of being willing to help others. 01 02 Teaching Focuses and Anticipated Difficulties Watch the video and share your feelings. Kindness. Helping others. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 施比受更有福。 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 君子莫大乎与人为善。 人而好善,福虽未至,祸其远矣。 善人者,人亦善之。 爱与善是幸福,亦是真理,世界上唯一可能的幸福与真理。 Watch the video and answer the questions. Activity 1 What kind of good deeds are shown in the video The video shows good deeds such as visiting an elderly neighbor and asking if they need anything, letting a restaurant manager know just how great their waiter or waitress is,helping a classmate with their studies,asking someone who looks lost if they need directions,and offering to help out with something in the home. 2. What idea does the video convey We should always be ready to help others,because one small act can make a big difference. Charity Day in China 中华慈善日 中华慈善日 是9月5日。 “中华慈善日”于2015年11月在审议《中华人民共和国慈善法》草案时提出 。慈善法规定9月5日为“中华慈善日”是和“国际慈善日”进行接轨。 2024年9月5日,是第九个“中华慈善日”,主题是“崇德向善 依法兴善”。 涨知识! 涨知识! Pay It Forward Day 国际让爱传递日 Pay It Forward Day is a worldwide celebration of kindness that takes place every year on April 28th. Not associated with any organization or foundation and free to participate in, Pay It Forward Day exists to encourage people to stand for kindness out of the goodness of their hearts. The mission is to inspire acts of kindness on this day in hopes that the ripple of good will continue throughout the entire year. Activity 2 Look at the pictures of the three people and read the quotations. Talk about the following points: the contribution these people made to society the qualities you admire in each of them other people who have similar qualities Activity 1 Look at the map and talk about water problems in Africa. title legend annotation Freshwater shortage Tick the solutions that you think are most effective to supply Africa with fresh water. Activity 1 Activity 2 Look at the picture and the title of this passage, guess the content of the passage. How the well changed the world Where are they W ... ...