ID: 22071513


日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:52次 大小:25353B 来源:二一课件通
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【高三双语新闻练习】运动可弥补不良睡眠的伤害 双语新闻 We all know that a healthy life means getting both plenty of exercise and enough good-quality sleep, but reality often gets in the way. 我们都知道,健康的生活意味着既要有大量的运动,又要有足够的优质睡眠,但现实总是有诸多阻碍。 The new research indicates that doing enough exercise could make up for some of the unhealthy impacts of bad sleep. 新的研究表明,做足够的运动可以弥补不良睡眠带来的一些不健康的影响。 The weekly amount of exercise recommended by the World Health Organization is 150 minutes of moderately intensive activity, or more than 75 minutes of vigorously intensive physical activity. 世界卫生组织建议的每周运动量是150分钟的中等强度运动,或75分钟以上的剧烈运动。 Participants were grouped into three levels of physical activity (high, medium or low) and were also given a sleep quality score from 0–5 based on the amount of shut-eye they got, how late they stayed up, insomnia, snoring and daytime sleepiness. 研究人员按照参与者运动量的高、中、低三个水平进行分组,并根据他们的睡眠时长、上床时间以及失眠、打鼾和白天嗜睡情况,给他们的睡眠质量打分(最低为0分,最高为5分)。 Those with the highest risk of dying from cancer or heart disease during the study period were those with the worst quality sleep and who didn’t meet the WHO recommended guidelines for exercise. 结果发现,因癌症或心脏病而致死风险最高的人是那些睡眠质量最差、同时又达不到世卫组织建议运动量的人。 That risk went down for people with poor quality sleep but who did meet the exercise guidelines. 睡眠质量差但运动量达标的人死于癌症或心脏病的风险较低。 “Levels of physical activity at or above the lower threshold recommended by WHO appeared to eliminate most of the detrimental associations of poor sleep and mortality,” the researchers wrote in their paper. 研究人员在论文中写道:“运动水平达到或超过世卫组织建议的最低运动量,似乎消除了睡眠差和死亡之间的大多数有害关联。” 词汇积累 1. vigorously adv. 精神旺盛地 2. insomnia n. 失眠(症) 3. snore v. 打鼾,打呼噜 4. eliminate v. 消除;排除 5. detrimental adj. 有害的,不利的 6. mortality n. 死亡 语法填空1 We all know that a healthy life means getting both 1 of exercise and enough good-quality sleep, but 2 often gets in the way. The new research indicates that doing enough exercise could make up for some of the unhealthy 3 of bad sleep. The weekly amount of exercise recommended by the World Health Organization is 150 minutes of 4 intensive activity, or more than 75 minutes of vigorously intensive physical activity. 5 were grouped into three levels of physical activity (high, medium or low) and were also given a sleep quality score from 0–5 based on the amount of shut-eye they got, how late they stayed up, insomnia, snoring and daytime sleepiness. Those with the 6 risk of dying from cancer or heart disease during the study 7 were those with the worst quality sleep and who didn’t meet the WHO recommended guidelines for exercise. That risk went down for people with poor quality sleep but who di ... ...

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