ID: 22084250

广东省广州市天河区2025届高三上学期综合测试(一) 英语试题:读后续写--观鸟挑战赛中的抉择与成长 讲义素材

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:47次 大小:28986B 来源:二一课件通
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阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Calvin’s day camp teacher, Autumn, passed out a sheet of paper with pictures and descriptions of different birds and a small pair of binoculars) (双筒望远镜) to each camper. He announced, “We’re going to do a one-week challenge called ‘Big Week’, where you try to identify birds and mark them on the paper. Whoever identifies the most birds wins.” Another challenge Ever since camp started, Gladys had beaten Calvin at everything. If he won this one, maybe he’d finally show Gladys that she wasn’t unbeatable. “How will you know if I really saw…” Calvin scanned the list. “… a glossy ibis ” “I won’t,” Autumn said. “A Big Week is based on honesty.” The next day at the preserve, when they hid behind some brush, Gladys spotted a great egret! “That was my gift to you,” Gladys whisper-shouted with an I’m-going-to-win-this tone. “Like I would’ve missed that giant bird,” Calvin protested. Suddenly, birds exploded above Calvin’s head. Thunk! He fell down onto his back. Gladys rushed toward him, helped him up and advised, “Here’s a tip: try being OUIET.” That evening, a large bird landed on Calvin’s neighbor’s tree. Calvin focused the binoculars. The bird had a bright red eye, a thick straight bill, a white throat and breast, and—oh, wow—long, thin, white feathers on the back of its head. “A black-crowned night heron!” he whispered excitedly. He was completely absorbed in his observation. As the week went by, competition became fierce. Calvin had to win this contest. But chance seemed so slim! Then he remembered that he had found a feather that Autumn thought belonged to a Cooper’s hawk close enough. He marked it, plus a few extra birds. What was the difference He had seen them in the past, or he would see them eventually. He swallowed (吞咽) hard. No one will know the truth. On the last day of Big Week, Autumn waved Gladys’s checklist in the air. “Twenty-six is the number to beat. Anybody else ” 注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Reviewing the 29 birds marked on his list, Calvin felt his face heated up. _____ Autumn awarded Gladys a Big Week T-shirt. _____ 一、文章大意 在卡尔文参加的日间夏令营中,老师奥森发起了为期一周的 “观鸟大挑战”,谁识别出的鸟类最多就能获胜。卡尔文因之前总是输给格拉迪斯而渴望在这次挑战中取胜,随着比赛的进行,竞争愈发激烈,卡尔文为了赢开始不诚实,在最后一天看到格拉迪斯的成绩后,内心产生了挣扎,故事将围绕卡尔文是否会坦白以及此事对他和格拉迪斯关系的影响展开,突出诚实与友谊的主题。 二、故事山分析 开端:老师奥森宣布 “观鸟大挑战”,介绍规则并发放观鸟资料和望远镜,引出故事核心事件,激发卡尔文的求胜心,同时也为后续情节发展奠定基础,引发读者对比赛过程和结果的好奇。 发展:比赛中格拉迪斯先发现了大白鹭,卡尔文在观察过程中遇到各种状况,如被鸟群吓到摔倒等,这些情节增加了故事的趣味性和紧张感,也展现了观鸟活动的挑战性,推动故事发展,同时进一步强化卡尔文想要赢的决心,为他后面的不诚实行为做铺垫。 高潮:卡尔 ... ...

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