高考英语读后续写考前必背 1. 定语从句 Paul handed a bottle of water to Mac, who managed a weak smile, murmuring something like “Thank you”.(2017年浙江高考范文) 保罗递给一瓶水给麦克,麦克微微一笑,喃喃地说着“谢谢”。 The fluffy little creature examined her new surroundings curiously, and then quickly fixed her gaze at Poppy, who was nudging her nose toward the new dog and wagging her tail vigorously.(2018年浙江高考范文) 这个毛茸茸的小家伙好奇地审视着她的新环境,然后迅速地把目光盯着波比,波比正在向那只新狗推着鼻子,使劲地摇着尾巴。 I owe my success to my social teacher who is a beacon in my life on the road to writing.(2023年浙江高考范文) 我的成功要归功于我的社会老师,她是我人生写作道路上的灯塔。 As is often the case with old people, my grandfather is fond of talking about good old days. 就像其他老人一样, 我祖父也喜欢谈论过去的美好时光。 She smiled at me and said if I needed help, she’d be right there, which I found quite comforting. (2022年浙江高考原文) 她对我笑了笑,说,如果我需要帮助,她就在那里,我感到很安慰。 Elli, quick enough to grasp what I meant, flung the bread with all her might, sending it crashing to a distant frozen puddle, to which the bear ran at once.(2020年浙江高考范文) 埃莉很快就明白了我的意思,用尽全力把面包扔了出去,扔到远处一个冰冻的水坑里,熊立刻跑到了那里。 As my car neared it my thoughts drifted back to the moment when I rescued the hummingbird from the spider’s web 当我的车接近它时,我的思绪又回到了我从蜘蛛网中救出蜂鸟的那一刻 In hindsight, the mind trick (that)she employed should take the credit。(2024年浙江高考原文) 事后看来,她使用的思维技巧应该得到功劳。 She gave up the idea of navigating in the building at will with rote memory. Instead, she studied the building layout carefully and highlighted the tricky hallways and turns where she got lost previously 她放弃了用死记硬背在大楼里随意导航的想法。相反,她仔细研究了建筑的布局,并突出了她之前迷路的棘手的走廊和转弯 He picked me up at the bus station where he had dropped me off four days before. 他在四天前送我下车的汽车站接我。 2. 状语从句 If you have some trouble (in) getting along with your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for advice. 如果你在和朋友的相处上有问题, 你可以写信给编辑向他征求建议。 The villagers didn’t realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river. 直到河里的鱼全死光了, 村民们才意识到污染是多么严重。 As its dark shape loomed near, my heart lurched, my pulse racing. (2020年浙江高考范文) 当它黑暗的形状逼近时,我的心怦怦直跳,我的脉搏在跳动。 3. 名词性从句 Of all the sports, I like table-tennis best. I hold the view that it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill. 在所有运动中, 我最喜欢乒乓球。我认为它不仅是一项运动, 而且是一门艺术, 因为它是一项需要力量和技巧的运动。 From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that world governments should conduct serious campaigns against smoking. 通过以上讨论, 我们可以肯定地得出结论: 世界各国政府应该竭力开 ... ...
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