应用文写作 假定你上周末参加了由学校学生会举办的 “中学生与中国古典音乐” 的交流活动,请给你校英语报写篇短文,内容包括: (1)活动内容; (2)你的收获。 注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。 _____ 写作提纲: 第一段: 引入话题,简要介绍活动的背景和主题,即学校学生会举办的 “中学生与中国古典音乐” 交流活动,以及自己参加活动的时间(上周末)。 总体描述对活动的第一印象,如活动现场的氛围、参与人数等,为下文具体描述活动内容做铺垫。 第二段: 详细描述活动的具体内容,例如讲座环节:介绍了中国古典音乐的哪些方面(历史渊源、风格流派、代表人物等),可以列举一些讲座中提到的关键信息和有趣的知识点;演奏环节:有哪些乐器进行了演奏(古筝、二胡、琵琶等),演奏了哪些经典曲目(《渔舟唱晚》《二泉映月》等),描述一下演奏的精彩之处(旋律优美、情感真挚、技巧高超等);互动环节:学生们是如何参与的(提问、交流、尝试演奏简单乐器等),列举一些学生提出的问题或互动过程中的有趣场景。 第三段: 阐述自己在活动中的收获,包括知识层面的增长(对中国古典音乐的了解更加深入,如学会了区分不同的乐器音色、了解了更多著名音乐家的生平事迹等),情感方面的触动(对传统文化的热爱和自豪之情油然而生,感受到古典音乐的独特魅力和感染力等),以及对自己未来的影响(是否激发了自己进一步学习古典音乐或传统文化的兴趣,是否改变了自己对音乐的看法等)。 总结活动的意义和价值,强调这类活动对中学生传承和弘扬中国传统文化的重要性。 语言积累: Last weekend witnessed my participation in an enlightening exchange activity about "Middle School Students and Chinese Classical Music" held by the student union.(上周末,我参加了由学生会举办的一场关于 “中学生与中国古典音乐” 的富有启发性的交流活动。) The activity was teeming with an enthusiastic atmosphere, attracting a large number of students who share a passion for traditional art forms.(活动现场气氛热烈,吸引了众多对传统艺术形式充满热情的学生。) Renowned experts in the field of Chinese classical music were invited to deliver a lecture, which provided us with a detailed and profound understanding of its historical evolution.(中国古典音乐领域的知名专家受邀进行讲座,使我们对其历史演变有了详细而深刻的理解。) During the performance session, various traditional Chinese musical instruments such as the guzheng, erhu, and pipa were showcased, presenting a feast for our ears with their melodious and unique tones.(在演奏环节,古筝、二胡、琵琶等各种中国传统乐器纷纷亮相,以其悠扬独特的音色为我们带来了一场听觉盛宴。) The artists' virtuoso performances, especially when playing classic pieces like "The Moon Reflected on the Second Spring", left a deep and lasting impression on us, allowing us to fully appreciate the profound emotions and artistic conceptions embedded in the music.(艺术家们精湛的表演,尤其是在演奏《二泉映月》等经典曲目时,给我们留下了深刻而持久的印象,让我们充分领略到了音乐中蕴含的深厚情感和艺术意境。) The interactive part of the activity was highly engaging, as students actively participated by asking thought-provoking questions and even had the opportunity to try their hands at playing some simple musical instruments under the patient guidance o ... ...
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