ID: 22098267

-辽宁省县级重点高中协作体2024-2025学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题:应用文写作--安慰篮球比赛中受伤的Henry 讲义素材

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:98次 大小:22026B 来源:二一课件通
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应用文写作 假定你是李华,你校交换生Henry在篮球比赛的备赛训练中受伤,不能参加这次比赛,因此他心情很低落。请你给他写封邮件安慰他,内容包括: 1. 表达理解和惋惜; 2. 提供帮助和鼓励。 注意: 1. 写作词数应为80左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Dear Henry, _____ Yours, Li Hua 一、写作提纲 第一段: 开头问候,点明写信目的是安慰因伤无法参赛的 Henry。 表达得知他受伤不能参赛消息后的震惊与遗憾,提及理解他为比赛付出诸多努力,如今心情低落很正常。 第二段: 着重提供帮助,如主动提出帮忙补习因养伤落下的课程,协助他整理课堂笔记,告知他若生活上有不便,像购物、跑腿之类的事,自己都愿意代劳。 给予鼓励,列举一些著名运动员受伤后克服困难重回巅峰的例子,像科比手指受伤仍坚持夺冠,激励他伤病只是暂时的,只要保持信心,未来定能重回赛场大放异彩。 第三段: 结尾再次表达关心,送上美好祝愿,期待他早日康复,鼓励他振作精神。 二、语言积累(10 句英文) I was really shocked and saddened to hear that you got injured and couldn't participate in the basketball game. (听闻你受伤且无法参加篮球赛,我既震惊又难过。) I know how much effort you've put into the preparation, and it must be a huge blow for you. (我深知你为备赛付出了多少努力,这对你肯定是个沉重打击。) Don't worry too much. I'm willing to help you with your missed lessons. (别太担心,我愿意帮你补习落下的课程。) If you need any notes or handouts from class, just let me know. I'll get them for you. (如果你需要课堂笔记或讲义,尽管告诉我,我去帮你拿。) In daily life, if you have difficulties like grocery shopping or running errands, I'm here to assist you. (日常生活中,要是你在购物、跑腿这些事上有困难,我随时帮你。) You know, many great athletes have gone through similar situations. For example, Kobe Bryant won championships even with finger injuries. (你知道,许多伟大运动员都经历过类似困境,比如科比 布莱恩特手指受伤仍夺冠。) This setback is just temporary. As long as you keep your confidence, you'll surely make a great comeback. (这次挫折只是暂时的,只要你保持信心,肯定能强势回归。) Stay strong and positive. Your recovery is the top priority now. (保持坚强乐观,现在你的康复是首要任务。) I sincerely hope you'll get well soon and be back on your feet. (我衷心希望你早日康复,重新振作。) Looking forward to seeing you energetic and shining on the court again. (期待看到你再次活力满满地在球场上闪耀。) 三、写作示范三篇 第一篇 Dear Henry, Hope this email finds you well. I was so sorry to learn that you got hurt during the basketball training and unfortunately have to miss the big game. I can't imagine how frustrated you must be, considering all the sweat and hard work you've poured into it. Please know that I'm here to support you. If you're worried about falling behind in studies, I'll gladly share my notes and explain the difficult points to you. Also, for any small chores or errands that might be a hassle for you during your recovery, don't hesitate to reach out. You're not alone in this. Remember, setbacks are a part of life. Just like Michael Jordan, who faced numerous injuries but still became a legend. You've ... ...

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