ID: 22102535

牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 3 Fit for life Welcome to the unit课件(共13张PPT)

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:11次 大小:12796970B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Fit for life Welcome to the unit & Reading (I) What jobs are shown in the pictures ? b d c a Would you like to be a medical professional Why or why not Can you describe an experience you had with a medical professional What was it like What advances in medical science have you heard about? Free talk Health is happiness. An apple a day makes a doctor away. When the sun comes in, the doctor goes out. Let’s read aloud The future is in our genes Reading for main idea What does the passage tell us What do you know about genes main idea of each paragraph Genome editing can help with disease treatment and prevention. Genes play a critical role in shaping our lives. Many people are concerned about how to use genome editing appropriately. Despite the public argument, genome editing is one of the greatest inventions in the history of science. Reading for specific information 1. What information does our personal genome carry 2. How can geneticists make changes to the genome It carries all the information needed to make us grow and develop. It also contains information that helps determine our lifespan and affects our chances of contracting certain diseases. By correcting, adding, deleting or replacing specific parts of genetic material. 3. How might genome editing make it possible to prevent diseases from developing 4. What is a “designer baby” 5. What does the lecturer compare uncontrolled genome editing to By correcting abnormal genes early on. A“designer baby”is a baby whose characteristics have been specifically selected before it is born. The lecturer compares it to a car out of control. Discussion How does the lecturer feel about genome editing Find evidence from the lecture transcript to support your opinion. The lecturer mentions that one day we will be able to create a “designer babies”. What do you think of “designer babies” What control can we put in place to make sure that genome editing will work to our advantage Summary Are you excited about the new possibilities that genome editing can bring us Why Read the passage again and find the sentences that use the present perfect continuous tense. Homework 感谢您的观看

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