ID: 22108519

读后续写:人与自然 救助并照顾走失的小松鼠(讲义)-2025届高考英语二轮复习写作专项

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:25次 大小:23648B 来源:二一课件通
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读后续写:人与自然 救助并照顾走失的小松鼠 读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 My husband and I enjoy seeing life through the eyes of our children. It's amazing to watch as they discover their world. While we were outdoors last summer enjoying the sunshine, our oldest daughter, Kaytlin, called me to the doorway. Beneath the steps was a baby red squirrel. We watched it from a distance, not wanting to disturb it or scare off its mother. But after a long wait-and looking all around our house for signs of a nest or a mother--we realized the tiny squirrel was lost. Shaking terribly, he was weak, thin, and hungry. We tried to find an expert to help, but the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website showed that there were no wildlife experts in our area. After some quick research, we concluded that the best way to give the squirrel a fighting chance was to care for him ourselves. So a trip to the local store for milk and supplies was in order. More research taught us how much to feed him, how to estimate his age, how and when to wean(断奶) him, and that we should let him go as soon as he could survive on his own. Our daughters and I took turns in feeding “Squirt". Kaytlin took on the most responsibility. She taught him to eat from a bottle, and she woke in the night for his feeds. To our relief, Squirt soon became healthy and strong. Within a few weeks he became more active. He would chatter(吱吱叫) for his next meal, playfully go around the girls, and lie down on them for sleep. It wasn't long before he was weaned onto solid food and reintroduced to the wild. His first few visits to the great outdoors were funny. Just like a child, he would play in the grass and then run back to Kaytlin for safety. Soon she had him climbing trees and finding nest material. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150个左右。 2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。 Paragraph 1: One day in the trees, Squirt met up with a family of gray squirrels. "_____ Paragraph 2: One night, Squirt didn't come back to our house and it rained hard. "_____ 主旨大意 文章围绕一家人救助并照顾走失小松鼠的经历展开,体现了人与动物间的温暖情谊以及对生命的关爱。 伏笔 例如 “Shaking terribly, he was weak, thin, and hungry. We tried to find an expert to help, but the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website showed that there were no wildlife experts in our area.” 为后文自行照顾小松鼠做铺垫。 故事情节 发现小松鼠 - 尝试找专家 - 自行照顾 - 小松鼠成长 - 放归野外 - 续写部分的后续情况。 情绪变化 担心谨慎 - 认真负责 - 欣慰 - 牵挂不舍。 主题句 1. Love and care for animals can bridge the gap between humans and the animal kingdom. 对动物的关爱能够弥合人类与动物世界之间的鸿沟。 2. Taking responsibility for a helpless creature enriches our lives with warmth and meaning. 为一个无助的生灵担起责任,让我们的生活充满温暖与意义。 3. When we extend a helping hand to wildlife, we create beautiful bonds of friendship. 当我们向野生动物伸出援手时,我们就创造了美好的友谊纽带。 4. Nurturing a lost anim ... ...

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