ID: 22109336

阅读理解提问方式之说明文why提问方式 专练(含答案)-2025届高三英语二轮复习专项

日期:2025-03-07 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:62次 大小:26054B 来源:二一课件通
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To do型 (2024 河南模拟) Getting third﹣party computer producers to add an AI button to laptops is the latest move by Microsoft to take most advantage of its close partnership with ChatGPT﹣maker OpenAI and make itself a gateway for applications of generative AI technology. Why does Microsoft add an AI button to laptops   A. To improve the partnership with OpenAI. B. To help third﹣party computer producers. C. To establish its favorable position in AI applications. D. To change people's habit to connect to the Internet. (2024 辽宁三模)They also collected water samples, including from below the ground's surface to monitor nutrient and pollutant levels. The researchers compared water quality along the stretch during a historically dry year, to water quality the following year when water levels were unusually high. They also compared these year﹣long datasets to water quality during the nearly three﹣ month period, starting in late July 2018, when the be aver dam blocked the river. Why did the researchers collect water samples from below the ground's surface   A.To keep an eye on the water quality. B.To compare water quality of the stretch. C.To reveal the damage caused by floods. D.To save the river from drying up. (2024 山西模拟)Since then, I have shared poems—my own and others'—in talks at my institution and across the country. I've also led other healthcare providers in creative writing exercises during workshops, lectures and classes. Many institutions host book clubs, story slams, film screenings and other opportunities for medical learners to engage with the humanities (人文学科). Why did the author like to share poems at work   A. To cure his patients. B. To bring in the humanities. C. To make his colleagues amazed. D. To practice for a competition. because-so型 (2024 吕梁模拟)"Giant pandas are very good animals to focus on, " Gandia said. "They are very popular in zoos and there are a lot that have cameras so we can see how their behavior changes across different latitudes. These cameras enabled us to monitor the giant pandas' behavior across a 24﹣hour period. " What is a reason why pandas were chosen for the study   A. Wide latitude of their natural habitat. B Their strong adaptability. C. The existing findings about them. D. The convenience of observation. (2024 晋中模拟)"We chose to look at metabolites because they are dynamic, "says Gurkar. "They change in real time to reflect our current health and how we feel, and we have the power to influence them through our lifestyle, diet and environment. " Why did the team do research on metabolites   A. They can affect our lifestyle and diet. B. They can reflect our current thoughts. C. They can be taken out and tested easily. D. They can show the present body condition. (2024 保定三模) After a heavy snowstorm, I ran outside excitedly to build a snowman. No matter how hard 1 rolled my snowball, it refused to grow. After resting for a while, I restarted the job. Then I noti ... ...

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